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HomeLatest NewsAlbacete Fair is protected against sexual assaults

Albacete Fair is protected against sexual assaults

Security personnel and doormen who work at the Fair, as well as people who will attend the Fair. Purple Dots by Aspiga Associationreceived training from the Women’s Center and the Local Police to care for victims of sexual assault, training initiated by the Local Police of Albacete.

As the Consistory reports, The course has an aspect taught by the Women’s Center stafffocused on first attention to potential victims, “emotional first aid” which can reduce feelings of helplessness and anxiety.

For its part, the Local Police will address how victims feel safe and regain their calm, with relaxation techniques, the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening and empathy.

THE Equality Advisor, Gala de la Cazadaparticipated in a training action included in the “Sexual Assault Prevention Project”, promoted by the Women’s Center of the Fair and based on three axes: prevention, detection and care.

“With this course, we want to raise awareness among the staff who work at the Fair, disseminate the action protocols in the event of a complaint, know the different types of sexual violence to increase the possibilities of detecting and neutralizing it, and acquire tools that facilitate the care of victims,” ​​he said.

The mayor highlighted the involvement of the whole of society in the fight against gender-based violence, and particularly appreciated the role of the local police and the hotel association.

On the other hand, The Government of Castilla-La Mancha and the Provincial Association of Hotel and Tourism Entrepreneurs (APEHT) renew their alliance to prevent any type of sexual assault during the celebration of the Albacete Fair.

With this agreement, the Hospitality Association will distribute throughout the exhibition center 40,000 reusable plastic cups on which will be written “zero sexual assault, infinite pleasure”, as explained by the Minister of Equality, Sara Simónalongside its president, David Giménez.

The Minister of Equality, who described the Albacete Fair as one of the most international events and a “very important tourist and economic resource”, asked that it be “a success in the number of zero attacks”, which is the case, he adds, “the figure of the immense social majority”.

In the same way, he recalled that leisure and patronal festivals continue to be “on certain occasions” theaters of possible sexual assaults, while emphasizing that equality and respect for women “is the commitment of the social majority” and that “there are fewer” who decide not to respect them.

Given this reality, as Simón explained, the Equality Department This summer, she is developing a specific campaign aimed at the younger population, under the slogan “My brother, party, sexual violence does not pay”, highlighting consent as the key factor to avoid any form of aggression. “We want to remember that we can and must celebrate and enjoy, but that we must do so in spaces free of sexual assault,” said the councilor.

Simón took the opportunity to thank the Regional Federation of Hospitality and Tourism, also chaired by David Giménezhis commitment to equality and the creation of spaces free of aggression. In this sense, he indicated that in the coming days, the Ministry and the Federation will seal the collaboration agreement on which they have been working for months, which will lead to the creation of an anti-harassment protocol.

“The ultimate goal is that whether it’s a pub where 50 people come in or a nightclub where 1,000 people come in, everyone is clear on the guidelines to follow if a situation arises where a woman reports a sexual assault,” he said.

The advisor concluded her speech by recalling that The Community Council of Castilla-La Mancha, through the line 900 100 114, offers help to any woman who have suffered or believe they have suffered sexual assault, recalling that the shelter for women victims of sexual violence will be open 24 hours a day during the Albacete Fair, with accommodation resources for temporary emergency shelters.

During the presentation of the glasses, the councilor and the president of the APEHT were accompanied by the delegate of the Council of the Province of Albacete, Pedro Antonio Ruiz; the delegate for equality, Lola Serrado and the director of the Hotel Association, Begoña Garijo.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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