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HomeEntertainment News“Stolen election” for Mélenchon, “all the assets to succeed” according to Wauquiez

“Stolen election” for Mélenchon, “all the assets to succeed” according to Wauquiez

Brexit negotiator, former minister, organiser of the Albertville Winter Olympics in 1992: Michel Barnier, 73 years old and a figure of the right, was appointed Prime Minister on Thursday 5 September by Emmanuel Macron. In a political landscape that is more fragmented than ever, this decision has provoked strong reactions. Starting with the left, where all the leaders denounce an appointment that is incompatible, in their opinion, with the result of the general elections that put the New Popular Front in the lead.

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“The elections were stolen from the French”denounced Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Evoking “a prime minister appointed with the permission and perhaps at the suggestion of the National Assembly”says the leader of La France Insoumise (LFI), in a video posted on social media, “to the most powerful mobilization possible” On Saturday, during the demonstration against what LFI and the unions of students and secondary schools call the “strength” of Emmanuel Macron, specifically his refusal to name the candidate of the left coalition, Lucie Castets, in Matignon. “After fifty-two days of a government defeated at the polls, [Emmanuel] Macron continues to live like an autocrat”, added X Mathilde Panot, the head of the “rebel” deputies, who believes that “The president refuses to respect popular sovereignty and the election resulting from the ballot box.”

The national secretary of the Socialist Party (PS), Olivier Faure, describes, for his part, on the social network “Democratic denial taken to the extreme: a prime minister from the party that came in fourth and who did not even participate in the republican front” against the extreme right. In his opinion, France is entering “in a dietary crisis.” The PS, in a press release, declares that Emmanuel Macron “trampling on the vote of the French people” and let it be known that he “will censor” Michel Barnier’s government – ​​which, however, means having a motion of censure approved by an absolute majority of deputies.

For Fabien Roussel, “an arm of honour”

A comparable disappointment on the part of Marine Tondelier. “Who are we kidding? It’s a real scandal”, considered the leader of environmentalists in a video posted on X. According to her, “what has just happened in France for the past sixty days (…)If it had happened anywhere in Europe, we would have considered it deplorable at a democratic level.”. “This untold story takes an extremely worrying turn”, she continued.

For former Northern MP Fabien Roussel, Michel Barnier’s appointment in Matignon is “an arm of honour for the French who aspire to change.” “Liberal, pro-European, anti-social, [Michel] Barnier disagrees with the message sent by the French in the general elections”the national secretary of the Communist Party in X reacted.

For their part, the head of the National Rally (RN), Jordan Bardella, and the president of the RN group in the National Assembly, Marine Le Pen, assured that their party will judge Michel Barnier for his “general policy speech” before deciding on possible censorship. “We will advocate that the major emergencies facing the French people are finally addressed: purchasing power, security and immigration, and we reserve all means of political action if this is not the case in the coming weeks.”said Jordan Bardella in X.

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Michel Barnier “He seems to meet at least the first criterion that we had requested, that is, a man who is respectful of the different political forces and capable of addressing the National Assembly, which is the first group in the National Assembly, in the same way as other groups.”Marine Le Pen said at LCI.

In the central bloc, the Macronist party Renaissance has indicated that it intends to present its “programmatic priorities” to the new tenant of Matignon and will not vote “automatic censorship” against the new government that must be formed. For Renaissance, the president “fulfilled its constitutional role” with a view to a “stable government”. “Now we must unite to succeed (…). The deputies will play their part and will know how to assume their responsibilities.reacted, for his part, to X Yaël Braun-Pivet, president of the National Assembly and member of the Macronist political group.

The “total confidence” of Olivier Marleix

Renaud Muselier (Renaissance), President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, congratulated Michel Barnier. “We need a national safeguard government and everything must be done to make it successful. The national interest, the responsibility, is to help and make ourselves available to make our contributions.highlighted in X. Michel Barnier has the values ​​necessary in such circumstances: those of a Gaullist and unifying right. Rejection of extremes and incompetence. Perseverance, work and great experience.

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Edouard Philippe, former prime minister under Emmanuel Macron who announced his candidacy for the upcoming presidential election on Tuesday, also reacted to Barnier’s appointment. “His task promises to be difficult, but difficulties have never frightened him. And there will be many of us who will help him.”wrote in X.

On the right, Laurent Wauquiez, leader of the right-wing Republican MPs, was very enthusiastic about XM Barnier. “He is a man of great quality who has all the qualities to succeed in this difficult mission that has been entrusted to him”He also said he was pleased with Olivier Marleix, vice-president of the Les Républicains (LR) party, who expressed his “total confidence” on the same network. For her part, Valérie Pécresse (LR), president of the Ile-de-France region, considered that the new tenant of Matignon “We must find a parliamentary way to restore order in [les] accounts [de l’Etat], [aux] borders and in [les] streets [de France] ».

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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