Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 3:11 pm
HomeLatest NewsEveryone goes to the Vuelta except the person responsible for technical failures

Everyone goes to the Vuelta except the person responsible for technical failures

Equipment failures RTVE They stayed yesterday in the Lakes of The Vuelta 2024 with continuous blacks on the screen due to issues with the media used for live broadcasts in over a hundred countries around the world.

Sunday at the stadium of Black Cooked, The broadcast was interrupted after the arrival of the Aragonese Pablo Castrillo and practically no subsequent images were offered due to a technical problem. In fact, fans who followed the scene on the Internet saw that it went black more than a kilometer from the finish.

The technicians, who have been working hard since the start of the test, managed to maintain the transmission of the motorcycles’ cameras with great effort, but the internet signal went black, which is considered another error attributable to “the disastrous management of Manuel Moliner”according to a person from the television crew. “He has shown himself to be in favour of a new economic policy, which has very serious consequences on the issue because of the constant failures.”

A senior RTVE official visited the Asturias and held a meeting with the race officials who want to avoid, as has happened so far, problems that would spoil the brilliance of the great spectacle that the cyclists have been offering in recent days.

In the meantime, they have already reached Spain ASO, the company that owns La Vuelta, is in charge of negotiating the new RTVE contract with the leaders of the Spanish public company. These conversations include an analysis of the constant failures in broadcasting the stages of the Spanish race.

“Everyone comes here except Molinero, who remains in his office in Madrid while it is a chaos of breakdowns and power cuts that we have managed to overcome thanks to personal and professional effort,” said a technician from Asturias.There are very critical voices and it cannot be explained why Molinero was not fired. “In a private company, Molinero would not have gone beyond the second stage,” said the same worker.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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