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López Miras, Alfonso Rueda and Mañueco ignore Ayuso and say they will meet Sánchez

First differences in the PP after the announcement of Pedro Sanchez summon the regional presidents one by one to the Moncloa Palace. While Isabel Diaz Ayuso called for a boycott of these bilateral meetings, other party colleagues, although with nuances, have shown themselves willing to organize them, ignoring the sit-in demanded by the Madrid leader. This is the case of the Murcian Fernando Lopez Mirasthe Galician Alphonse Wheel and the Castilian-Leonese Alfonso Fernandez Manueco.

The president of the government announced on Wednesday a “fairer” financing model in which “all communities will receive more resources.” To solve this problem, Sánchez announced that he would call Moncloa to each of the presidents autonomous.

Pedro Sanchez’s announcement has driven a wedge between the popular barons, and all this is happening less than 24 hours a day. hours of Alberto Nuñez Feijoo meet them to show an image of unity.

For Ayuso, since Moncloa There is a “strategy of buying the autonomous communities with money to divide us among ourselves” and, in this sense, he urged his party colleagues not to “buy Sánchez’s strategy” and to refuse to go to Moncloa. Either “all together” through a Conference of Presidents, or boycottsaid.

Murcia, “wishing”

However, his partner Fernando Lopez MirasPresident of the Region of Murcia, has acknowledged being “wishing” meet Sánchez, because he has “systematically asked by letter” the president to meet him for “five years”. The issues to be addressed are “numerous”, he recalled: water, migration crisis… PBut also to debate regional financing, “of course”, assured López Miras, always on the basis of the “principles of equality, justice and solidarity”.

Yes indeed, The reform of the financing system, according to López Miras, must be done “in a multilateral and not bilateral manner,” and he will take advantage of this meeting with Sánchez to “tell him so to his face.” “It must be reformed with the 17 autonomous communities sitting around the same table, making our proposals and with a desire for dialogue and consensus to reach an agreement,” because that is what “the Conference of Presidents and the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council.”

Also from Xunta of Galicia They have positioned themselves in favour of these bilateral meetings, even though they believe that financing should be discussed at a Conference of Presidents. “Regardless of this, Alphonse Rueda “He has requested a meeting with Sánchez since he took office and continues to wait and demand it,” sources from the Galician presidential team remind EL ESPAÑOL.


Also Alfonso Fernandez Manuecopresident of Council of Castile and Leonwill agree to meet with Sánchez to discuss “a catalogue of his own topics,” in the words of Carlos Fernandez Carriedospokesman for the regional government, but “what belongs to each must be negotiated by all”, in reference to financing. Which does not mean that “bilateral meetings are also convened where the presidents raise issues that strictly affect the scope of action of their autonomous communities”.

In short, these three PP barons are willing to meet with Sánchez to discuss issues that affect their community, but they prefer multilateralism to discuss the reform of regional financing.




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