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How did the Russian MP betray his country? – Behind the scenes of Zatul’s sabotage

Another stupid statement against Azerbaijan was made by Konstantin Zatulin, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) of the Russian State Duma, who has repeatedly made biased and provocative statements against Azerbaijan at the behest of the Armenian lobby. In relation to Azerbaijan and the CIS countries in general, Zatulin, who is in no way behind former Duma deputy Vladimir Zhirinovsky, congratulated the non-existent day of “independence” of the former regime that once operated on the territory of Azerbaijan and has already gone down in the dusty pages of history, and Karabakh, which is awaiting its deserved punishment in Baku detention centers, showed support for the separatists.

In fact, Zatulin is not interested in Karabakh or the separatists there. His real goal is to foment separatism against Azerbaijan on the orders of his masters, who put a bag around his neck, and to cast a shadow on Russian-Azerbaijani relations, which have entered the stage of a strategic alliance since 2022. The most absurd thing is that Zatulin, as deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma’s committee on relations with the CIS countries, is responsible for regulating relations between the CIS countries and Russia, but, on the contrary, he expresses provocative opinions against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the member countries of the union. For this, he was even declared an “undesirable person” in several countries. Thus, Zatulin was declared “persona non grata” in Ukraine in 2006, in Azerbaijan in 2010, in Kazakhstan in 2022, and even in Armenia, where he defended its interests in 2023. Not in vain, Zatulin at that time considered it an insult to himself. But what’s the point? The despicable Konstantin has become so shameless that he does not stop defending Armenia and the Armenians, whom he considers insulted, for the sake of profit, and betrays the policy of his state.

About the topic Oku.AzA political commentator speaking with Ilgar Valizadeh He also believes that although Zatulin is responsible for the internal processes of the CIS in the Russian State Duma, he does not follow them closely:

“In any case, if Zatulin had observed the dynamics of Azerbaijani-Russian relations, he would not have made such stupid statements. Instead of regulating relations between the CIS countries and Russia, which is his duty, and strengthening these relations on the basis of the existing political and legal framework, Zatulin not only ignores his duty, but by doing the opposite he proves that it is his duty and at the same time confuses Russian public opinion.”

“With his statements, Konstantin Zatulin is damaging Russia’s image and harming Moscow’s relations with the CIS countries. In this sense, as long as these people influence Russian public opinion, the image of official Moscow will be further damaged,” the expert stressed.

Our interviewer added that although there are sufficient documents regulating bilateral relations between Russia and Azerbaijan, Zatulin and others like him ignore these documents:

“The most important of these documents is, of course, the Moscow Declaration on Alliance Cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan, signed on February 22, 2022. This agreement is the main document covering relations between Russia and Azerbaijan. That Declaration specifically states that Russia and Azerbaijan, to the extent possible, resolutely prevent the activities of organizations and individuals operating in their territories against state sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the other side, and also unite their efforts in combating the threats of international terrorism, extremism and separatism. Therefore, Zatulin is also responsible for these issues.”

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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