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HomeBreaking NewsUnhealthy situation at Wolf Gate Cemetery: Graves are full of rubbish

Unhealthy situation at Wolf Gate Cemetery: Graves are full of rubbish

“The Wolf Gate cemetery in the Yasamal region is in an unhealthy condition. The graves are filled with rubbish, dried logs, water bottles and other waste. It is impossible to escape the filth.”

Baku resident Rena Abbasova appealed this complaint to Qafqazinfo.

He says that in many cases citizens clean the graves they visit and throw garbage around other graves, there is no one to clean the cemetery and supervise the cleaning:

“There is some control because the valley part of the cemetery is new. But the old part is in a disgraceful condition. Everyone who comes to visit cleans the top of their loved one’s grave. Also, after repairing the graves, the workers working in the area throw away the gloves and tools they used. We only clean the top of our loved one’s grave, we can’t clean the whole cemetery… For years, no one has found a solution to this problem.”

In connection with the problem, the Citizens’ Public Services Fund of the Housing and Communal Management Department of Baku was contacted. The institution informed that the area in question is cleaned periodically:

“There is an area of ​​approximately 312 hectares and our employees clean it daily. They collect the garbage in one place and transport it by car twice a week. Currently, that area has been cleared of waste and the garbage has been transported away.”

In addition to the trust, it was said that people visiting the cemetery or carrying out repairs on the graves of their loved ones in many cases throw rubbish on other graves and on the road:

“We advise citizens not to throw their waste around other graves, but to dump it in the landfill. In this case, the cemetery will remain clean and everyone will be able to come and visit their loved ones comfortably.”

The institution also sent images showing the cleaning work at the cemetery:

Unhealthy situation at Wolf Gate Cemetery: Graves are full of rubbish

Unhealthy situation at Wolf Gate Cemetery: Graves are full of rubbish


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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