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HomeEntertainment NewsMichel Barnier, a man of consensus in Matignon

Michel Barnier, a man of consensus in Matignon

Autumn 2021, Bas-Rhin. Michel Barnier, a candidate in the right-wing primaries for the 2022 presidential election, visits a brewery in Saverne, near Strasbourg. Wearing an impeccable suit and silver hair, he walks past two employees. “I visited your company: friendly and professional!”he shouts at them, full of energy, eager to start a dialogue. The employees stare at him blankly, clearly not knowing who he is. The former European Commissioner, who spent fifteen years immersed in European mysteries, understands that he must introduce himself: “Michel Barnier, candidate for the presidency of the Republic!”

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Little known in France, the former Brexit negotiator becomes Prime Minister at the age of 73 in the midst of a political crisis, with the delicate task of finding a way in a National Assembly divided into three blocs, following the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. His long experience in the circles of power should help him, although, according to one of his closest friends, “Michel does not measure the deterioration of public debate in France, it will be a shock.”

Michel Barnier has held several offices: he was elected the youngest general councillor in France, at the age of 22, in 1973; the youngest MP, in Savoie, in 1978; the youngest president of the Savoie departmental council; four times minister (Environment, in 1993; European Affairs, in 1995; Foreign Affairs, in 2004; Agriculture, in 2007); twice European commissioner; and finally, Brexit negotiator. Not to mention his first feat, which he still likes to refer to thirty years later: the organisation of the Olympic Games in Albertville, Savoie, in 1992.

“A good negotiator”

Michel Barnier, who will have to reassure Brussels while France has been the subject of a procedure for excessive public deficit since June, is respected on the European stage, having spent fifteen years working towards the Brexit agreement, which was obtained after a hard fight in December 2020. The former European Commissioner was even applauded – a rarity – by the Twenty-Seven, who praised his art of consensus, his patience and his tenacity when he was the designated negotiator. In the corridors of the austere Berlaymont in Brussels, even the very provocative Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban appreciates him. “He is a good negotiator, inclusive, he was very close to us”the Macronist Clément Beaune, then Secretary of State for European Affairs, hoped in 2021.

Within the Les Républicains (LR) party, his detractors have long portrayed him as a “disappointed macronist”Close to Emmanuel Macron in substance, on economic matters and Europe in particular, Michel Barnier has often criticised the method. “You cannot lead France without involving everyone”He repeated this during the 2022 presidential pre-campaign, denouncing a presidency “vertical, arrogant and lonely”His relations with the head of state have been rocky. Michel Barnier, who dreamed of taking over the reins of the European Commission in 2019, is convinced that Emmanuel Macron did not support him. Hurt, he is bitter.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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