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“Franquito Sánchez wants a great and free Spain, with a rich Catalonia and the rest without fiscal autonomy”

Eduardo Inda, the director of OKDIARIO, denounced Pedro Sánchez for his incessant series of lies, especially those related to the tax gift to Catalonia and what it will cost the rest of the Spanish people. “The quota, the concert, that he is going to give to Catalonia in exchange for continuing to live in Moncloa, traveling in the Falcon and pose on vacation at the Royal Residence of La Mareta“We succeeded in a few hours,” Inda said of the government president’s latest lie.

The director of OKDIARIO answered one of the most asked questions in recent weeks: “Where will the dough come from? enrich Catalonia even more? Well, it will come from our taxes. Pedro Sánchez will put it in our pocket will trace This will make Catalonia richer and the rest of the autonomous communities poorer. These are the stories, not the tales, that he and María Jesús Montero tell us.

Inda also highlighted the similarities between Pedro Sanchez and Francisco Franco, which also benefited Catalonia before the rest of the Communities. “It will happen as with Franco, who made Catalonia very rich and the Basque Country very rich, while the southern regions of Spain remained very poor. This will happen with Franquito Sanchez said the director of this newspaper.

The journalist also highlighted how Sánchez’s tax gift to Catalonia, To remain in the presidency, this will have an impact on the rest of the Spanish citizens. And it is that it lead the executive will punish Autonomous communities taking away the little fiscal autonomy they had: “He will usurp from Isabel Díaz Ayuso and the rest of the regional barons, including the socialists, the power to set taxes such as inheritance tax, gift tax or the section of the IRPF».

India He ended up pointing out another similarity between Sánchez and the dictator. “Whatever you want Franquito Sanchez It’s the same as his idol, the person he imitates, who is Francisco Franco. The dictator didn’t want autonomies, he wanted fiscal autonomy, he didn’t want the regions to have power. What I wanted was a Spain that was one, great and free.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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