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HomeLatest NewsStudy concludes Altri will not affect water quality

Study concludes Altri will not affect water quality

Both “the collection of water for the project and the modification of the quality parameters in the discharge area are within the parameters required by the Galicia-Costa Hydrological Plan, so that the ecological state of the river is would maintain the “good” rating‘”. This is one of the conclusions of the multidisciplinary report presented yesterday by the Consello da Cultura Galega (CCG), of Santiago, which analyzes the possible effects of the establishment of the Altri textile fiber factory in Palas de Rei.

A report, in no way favorable to the project, although with an analysis that recognizes the “plurality of legitimate opinions”, as indicated by the president of the CCG, Rosario Álvarez. Although it emphasizes that the reflection on a Strategic Industrial Project addresses “economic aspects”, beyond “socio-cultural and socio-environmental values” defended by the institution, the report recognizes the legality and viability of the project, while highlighting other possible problems that arise from it

This is the case of the impact on water quality that the consumption and discharge of the plant will have: they recognize that this would not be affected, even if it is unpleasant that “static” and monthly data are used to measure the flow, while the trend points to “a progressive and accentuated decrease” in it.

Likewise, they point out that the economic impact will be lower than that indicated by Altri, reducing costs by almost half. direct jobs generated -which are between 161 and 281-. Furthermore, the report states that the arrival of the plant represents “a risk of deterioration of the tourist image”, due to the passage of the Chemin Français, and the “agri-food chain”. The text is not as energetic when it comes to emissions, however, since it recognizes that they are “well below the values ​​established by the WHO”, even if they could have “long-term effects on health”.

Eucalyptus “insufficient”

Another key point in the report is the lack of eucalyptus cellulose pulp that the plant will need for its operation. These figures contrast with those proposed by the Xunta in the report of the Galician Forest Industry Agency published this week. Although the CCG report increases Altri’s final consumption from 1.2 million cubic meters to 2.4 million, compared to the 5.8 million produced by Galicia, it does not take into account the amount of cellulose pulp exported to other countries and Portugal. presenting it as an “Iberian market”which would mean a shift that would require more eucalyptus farms or its importation from abroad.

However, data from the Xunta, which focuses on the Galician market, show that among those 5.8 million cubic meters They are exported outside the Community (3.2) and could therefore be redirected towards consumption, regardless of whether Altri asks for 1.2 or 2.4 million.

“No independence”

For their part, the PPdeG deputies criticised the CCG report, deploring its “zero independence” and denouncing that it is a “culture-specialized” organization who criticizes an “industrial installation of such complexity and scale.”

“The CCG report contrasts with the independence of Xunta officials, who continue to rigorously analyze the proposal and ensure thatonly on technical criteria“, stressed the popular MEPs, who consider the text influenced by experts with a “clear political motivation”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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