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HomeLatest Newsa boulevard with benches and trees and a semi-pedestrian path through the...

a boulevard with benches and trees and a semi-pedestrian path through the garages

The pedestrianization of the avenue Vinuelain the heart of one of the main commercial areas of Cordoba, is continuing at the planned pace and traders have already been able to see the project prepared by the City Council. For the moment it seems satisfactory.

The Infrastructure Advisor, Miguel Ruiz MadrugaABC assured that the project is already being developed to begin work, but before doing so, it is necessary that the main groups involved are informed: traders and residents of the area.

The first ones already have it, as confirmed Manuel Calvothe president of the La Viñuela open shopping center, which brings together the active sector of the region. From there, the neighbors will also know if they do something allegation or they want to make a change. From there, the project must come out in its final form.

And how is it going? As ABC was able to confirm with the traders, it is a semi-pedestrianization project, with a large boulevard that will allow pedestrians to enjoy it. The fact that in some areas it allows the passage of motor vehicles This is due to the existence of garages on the street, so their owners will have to continue to pass through there.

At the request of the traders, a significant contribution of street furniture will be planned, including benches that will allow the residents of the district to enjoy the area in complete peace. The project, as confirmed by ABC, also has many trees.

The idea will be to create a pedestrian zone, similar to a boulevard, with access for vehicles that need to reach the garagesOnce it has obtained approval from merchants and residents, the city council will continue the process, which will have to go through calls for tenders and contracts.

As Miguel Ruiz Madruga pointed out, the idea still has to start at the end of this year so that a project something that the merchants of this area, very prosperous among the inhabitants of Cordoba and elsewhere, had been demanding for many years, and that the municipality finally decided to carry out a few months ago.

parking area

The project must be complemented by another that has already begun to be implemented, as confirmed by the Councilor for Infrastructure and the President of the Open Shopping Center. The pedestrianization will entail the elimination of parking spaces and the need to create others, in anticipation of an increase in traffic.

They are also working on this, because the City Hall will allocate for this purpose a series of plots of land, so far without a defined use, next to the San Rafael CemeteryThey were divided into three parts: the area closest to Oficina Street and the two closest to Viñuela.

The first is precisely the one that is most advanced, because in recent weeks the work has begun to prepare the area, which will be a ground parking lot, but which already has provisions so that parking can be done there safely. ordered.

Parking next to the San Rafael cemetery

Angel Rodriguez

From now on, and as Manuel Ruiz Madruga has clarified, we will have to work with the rest of the space, the one closest to Viñuela Avenue. Currently, work is underway on the topographic survey and cleaning of the streams that cross the area.

This is a complementary complaint from both residents and traders, because the neighborhood does not have much parking. And this is important, because among its traditional clientele are residents of the region of Upper Guadalquivir and even the province of Jaén, which accesses the city by the eastern zone.

The idea of ​​this parking lot is that it has a capacity of approximately 400 vehicles and that it is a complementary facility for an area of ​​the city that needs this additional service to continue to attract visitors.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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