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HomeLatest NewsUrban planning launches tender for renovation of Regina de Córdoba convent for...

Urban planning launches tender for renovation of Regina de Córdoba convent for 1.2 million

The next board of directors of the Municipal Urban Planning Department (GMU)which will be held next Wednesday, will approve the tender dossier for the restoration, rehabilitation and adaptation works of the Regina Convent, located in the square of the same name. This will be the second time that the municipal entity will launch a call for tenders for these works, which date back more than a decade.

The documentation that examines the Urban planning management Next week it is reported that the budget for the intervention is 1.2 million euros, of which 347,250 will be carried out this year and the rest in 2025. The deadline for the execution of the works is eleven months from the start of the works.

To carry out the operation, the autonomous body has a budget modification file for an amount of 454,176 euros, financed by cancellations or cancellations of credits of the balances incorporated for the 2024 financial year. This situation allows the Urban Planning Department of the City Council of Córdoba to be able to carry out the work in its entirety.

As stated in the project report, “the object of the contract is the execution of work to recover the heritage, artistic and cultural value of the building of the nave of the church”, which dates back to the end of the 15th centuryThe idea is to create a multipurpose room for cultural events like the chapter house of Orivewhere it can host everything from an exhibition to a small concert.

The management will pay 347,250 euros this year for the project and the rest of the amount next year.

“The intention is to provide this space with ideal conditions to be used as a meeting place, both for citizens and tourists,” the dossier emphasizes. The action should put an end to many of the problems that the former convent of Dominican nuns is experiencing, and this after the exclaustration of the 19th century It has had various uses, from a cellar to a place for theatrical performances.

In this way, the most delicate areas will be consolidated, the precious floor of the temple and part of the frescoes that decorated it will be recovered. The same must happen with the baroque cover and the old compass, because the plan is to reintegrate the religious.

electrical equipment

In addition, the building will be equipped with everything a multipurpose cultural hall needs, such as air conditioning and electrical equipment. Actions will also be carried out in the cloister area, although in a very superficial way, through cleaning that allows the safe passage of the public and small outdoor activities. At the same time, the intervention planned by the Urban Planning Department will focus on the enhancement and recovery of the church crypt. The reconstruction of the choir, the sotochore and the spiral staircase are part of the planned works.

The company that left the first attempt at rehabilitation work pending will be compensated for the breach of contract. This was determined last November by the High Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) in a situation that radically changes the events that occurred five years ago around one of the failed attempts to transform the old religious center of the San Pedro neighborhood into a cultural facility.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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