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Bergerot asks Ayuso for a plan to recover the “fugitive” doctors and files a complaint against La Cantueña like the PSOE and Vox

1.8 billion euros for housing policiesa project to recover health workers “who abandoned” primary care in Madrid and accusations of “corruption” due to alleged irregularities in the contracts of two vocational training centers. With this backpack of proposals and complaints, he came Manuela Bergerotregional spokesperson for Más Madrid, meeting with Isabel Díaz Ayuso for the start of the course.

This Thursday, the president of the Community of Madrid summoned the regional spokesmen to the Real Casa de Correos, the seat of the regional government. Rocio Monasterio (Vox) She was the first to meet the Baroness. They followed her Juan Lobato (PSOE), Bergerot and Carlos Díaz-Pache (PP). For one reason or another, the three opposition representatives criticized Sol’s commitment to the reception center for unaccompanied foreign minors (menas), La Cantueña, in Fuenlabrada.

This point, in fact, was another of the summits on which revolved the proposals that Más Madrid made to the popular leader this Thursday. According to Bergerot, Community’s reception model “doesn’t work” and has centers, such as Hortaleza, where minors live in “overcrowded” conditionswhich are intended to be “replicated” at La Cantueña.

In this sense, Más Madrid has requested that minors be encouraged to stay with families in sheltered houses or apartments, but not in macrocentres. Previously, Lobato had criticized the location of La Cantueña because it was “disconnected from the city center” and of “social reality of the commune”. Monasterio, however, disgraced the regional president for generating a “call effect” when promoting this type of centers for minors.

Bergerot challenged the president to visit the Horteleza center together to see the conditions of the children and the social workers, because “they can’t take it anymore.”

In terms of housing, Bergerot demanded an investment of 1.8 billion in housing policies, “tripling the current budget”Concretely, he asked to increase the public housing stock by 10,000 homes and 202 million in rental assistance for 67,500 families.

In terms of health, the “leader” of the opposition proposed a recovery plan for health workers who “abandoned” primary care in Madrid, which is due, as she added, to the “precariousness” with which they work in the region.

Bergerot claims that the departure of the doctors from Madrid was the only “common point” they found on the “other side” of the table. “The Minister of Health recognized us [Fátima Matute] “The doctors of the Community of Madrid are fleeing, but they tell us that they do not know why or how many there are,” the politician added at a press conference, statements which were immediately denied by the presidential advisorMiguel Ángel García Martín.

In fact, Ayuso’s “number 2” in the regional government has asked Mónica García’s (former spokesperson for Más Madrid) Health Ministry to “do its duty urgently” and eliminate the “bureaucracy” to standardize health certificates for non-EU citizens. and are activated “more places for the doctors and nurses of tomorrow.”

Although the meeting took place in a “cordial” tone, Más Madrid and Comunidad confirmed that they have different models for the region.

Bergerot, for his part, aligned himself with Lobato and criticized Ayuso’s “lack of institutional respect” in encouraging the PP barons not to participate in bilateral meetings with Pedro Sánchez.




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