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HomeLatest NewsUrban green light for 21,000 square meters for commercial use in Lucena:...

Urban green light for 21,000 square meters for commercial use in Lucena: new MAS and Mercadona

He PLUS groupwhich has a commercial network of 188 establishments in Andalusia and Extremadura, will install its first large supermarket in Lucena. For a few weeks now, it has been carrying out renovation work and adapting to its needs the building that, until this summer, was occupied by the DIA Group on the Cabra Highway and will open its doors in the coming months.

This was announced by the councilor for urban planning of the Lucena City Council, Charo Valverde, in a press conference in which she announced the final approval of the two detailed commercial studies in this field of action. On the one hand, this one, promoted by the company Muñoz Gómez CB, which also includes the adjacent plots, currently unused. And on the other hand, the one destined to house the company’s new supermarket Mercadonabetween Avenida de la Infancia and Camino de los Huertezuelos.

Regarding the first, Valverde explained that it has an area of ​​6,702 square meters, divided into two blocks, the first, of 2,438 meters, already consolidated, where DIA and its parking lot were located until now, and the second, of 2,529 meters. meters, still to be developed, but also intended to house commercial buildings.

Likewise, the project includes the creation of a new street, with an area of ​​1,716 square meters, which will connect the goat road with the new residential area being developed a few meters away, with the La Infancia building, a closed island-shaped complex with swimming pool and green areas.

The second project, entirely intended for the new Mercadona center, has an area of ​​14,522 square meters, resulting in a net plot of 10,409 square meters, with a maximum building ceiling of 12,491.

An additional 5,100 square meters correspond to roads, of which 4,092 are newly created, including a new roundabout at the intersection between Avenida de la Infancia and Ronda Llano de las Tinajerías Street. Following the approval of the land consolidation project at the end of July, the owners of the land can now start urbanization worksa preliminary step to the construction of the new Mercadona supermarket, which could open its doors in the summer of 2025.

Charo Valverde stressed that the unlocking of these two important urban projects, as well as the development of the pfirst residential developments in another adjacent detailed study, this will mean in the short term a complete renovation of this area of ​​the city, included in the “northern crown of transition”an eminently industrial area located between the Rute highway and the Lucena River bed, which the current PGOU has included as a space to be transformed.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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