Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 8:58 pm
HomeTop StoriesNumber of firefighters killed by illnesses contracted on 9/11 exceeds number of...

Number of firefighters killed by illnesses contracted on 9/11 exceeds number of victims of attack

The September 11, 2001 attacks, which will soon be 23 years old, cost many lives to New York City firefighters, but they suffered even more deaths from contracted diseases that day to the aid of the victims.

While 343 people died during the immediate response to the attacks, whether rescuing survivors or removing debris, 363 others have since died as a result of the attacks. toxic conditions with which they carried out their work that day and the following days.

The figures, published Thursday by the portal, were announced Wednesday during a ceremony at the Brooklyn Fire Department headquarters. “We have seen more than 360 colleagues die for his courage and dedication”Commissioner Robert Tucker said at the event where the name of 32 new victims in a frescoamong which are ambulance drivers or nurses of the corps.

The 352 chemical agents identified in the rubble of the famous “Ground Zero” have given rise to numerous respiratory diseasesand in the most serious cases, they have mentioned prostate cancer (900 in total) and other types.

In total, they worked at “Ground Zero” 15,500 firefighters, some for periods of more than thirty days, causing them to breathe this contaminated atmosphere.




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