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Montero, Illa and Cerdán call on critics to tone down their criticism of Sánchez in committee

The PSOE faces a complicated Federal Committee this Saturday, to which some barons will go with their swords raised for the single financing of Catalonia. In an attempt to prevent the gap within the party from widening further, part of the party’s hard core Pedro Sanchez calls on critics in recent hours to try to soften their criticism at the meeting.

As this newspaper has learned, Sanchez’s numbers two and three in the match, Maria Jesus Montero And Santos Cerdanthey do together Salvador Illa a series of contacts to avoid shocks within the Committee. The party seeks above all to give momentum to the new direction and to minimize internal controversies.

Illa’s work is particularly noteworthy, as she calls the territorial leaders of the PSOE to explain her position on this issue and what the agreement with the ERC that allowed her money to be invested means. president from Catalonia.

Ferraz’s main thesis is similar to the one that Pedro Sánchez already defended with the amnesty: that of make a virtue of necessityThe party leadership wants its people to value the success of the arrival of a socialist to the Generalitat and to understand that it is a historic opportunity to reduce the power of the independence movement.

The Federal Committee in which Sánchez defended the amnesty, after the elections of 23-J, was much less tense than initially expected. There had been criticism before, but only the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano Garcia-Pagewas openly against it.

Today, the debate within the party on amnesty is more than amortized for Ferraz. The PSOE leadership hopes that something similar will happen with the single financing and asks the leaders and activists for the same trust that they had then granted.

María Jesús Montero also tries to calm the critical voices by stating that a single financing for Catalonia does not necessarily have to generate inequalities between territories. Last Tuesday, in the Senate, he stated that “interterritorial solidarity is finalist” and said that it was not a concert, but rather a “new look”.

The PSOE is also trying to present the bilateral agreement with Catalonia as an opportunity for the rest of the autonomous communities to seek funding. singularin the sense that it is tailored to your needs. Additionally, votes are needed to change the system and multiple voices will need to be added.

Possible tensions

From Ferraz, they defend that Saturday’s meeting is the moment to carry out a necessary debate. “We give the floor to whoever wants to talk about all the issues. The debate is open to voices that are in favor or that may have doubts,” they comment from the training, celebrating that the exchange of opinions takes place within the party and not outside, in the media.

Although Ferraz thinks that this Federal Committee should not be particularly tense, they know that it does not depend only on them. The most critical of all, Page, has already announced that Saturday will defend the interests of Castilla-La Mancha before those of the party.

The leader of the PSOE in Aragon will also be present, Javier Lamban. According to close sources, he will ask to speak in turn and it is hoped that he will be frank about the concert for Catalonia. The Aragon Executive was the first to openly oppose it, rejecting it in a vote.

From the PSOE, they consider that these criticisms have already been absorbed and that they are not going to go any further, and they hope that others like those of the leaders of Madrid will not join them too vehemently, Juan Lobatoor Extremadura, Miguel Angel GallardoBoth will also ask to speak, as confirmed by their respective environments.

Lobato does not tend to be excessively harsh, but he does tend to stick to his position. In Gallardo’s case, the PSOE leadership in Extremadura has also positioned itself against the pact, although less harshly than that of Aragon. “We demand a new regional financing model based on equality and social justice,” says a PSOE official from Extremadura.

The one who will not go to Madrid on this occasion is the president of Asturias, Adrien BarbonThe Committee’s celebration coincides with the official events of Asturias Day and you will not be able to attend; However, his team insists that he will continue to speak out publicly against the single financing agreement for Catalonia.




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