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HomeLatest News113,648 children aged 3 to 17 return to school after the summer

113,648 children aged 3 to 17 return to school after the summer

A total of 113,688 students start this Thursdayin a process staggered by centers that will culminate next Monday, September 12, the 2024/2025 school year in the Navarrese education system.

Out of a total of 113,688 schoolchildren, 76,176 are enrolled in public network centerswhich represents 67% of the total; while the other 37,166 did so in approved private centers and 346 in non-subsidized private centersreported the regional government.

This 24/7 course will be 5,179 new 3-year-old students who will start their classes, of which 3,154 will join public schools (61%) and 2,025 will join subsidized schools. Of this total, 3,575, or 69%, students enrolled in language models A and G and 1,603 in models B and D.

In educational stages, the second cycle of early childhood education It will accommodate 16,007 students (10,057 in public centers and 5,950 in subsidized centers). Primary education 40,330 students are enrolled, of whom 26,484 will study in public centers and 13,846 in subsidized centers; in Compulsory secondary education (ESO) 30,291 are calculated (19,322 in public centers and 10,969 in subsidized centers) and in Baccalaureate The number of registrations stands at 9,117 (5,421 in public centers and 3,696 in subsidized centers).

By linguistic models, the A model (teaching in Spanish with Basque as a subject) and G. (teaching in Spanish) total 86,817 students, while the Model B license plates (teaching in Basque with Spanish as a subject) and D. (teaching in Basque) totals 26,871. In addition, 36,892 students participate in the English learning program (PAI), of which 34,892 are enrolled in models A and G and 2,000 in models B and D. 399 students will study the PAL (German) program and 267 the PAF (French), 3,047 will do so in the AG-Br (British Convention).

Regarding the first cycle of early childhood education, In the centres dependent on the Government of Navarre, the current enrolment for the 24/25 school year is 504 children, which represents an increase of almost 25% compared to the enrolment for the 2023/2024 school year.

In the admission process, the reduction of the ratio to 20 students in first and second years of the second cycle of early childhood education (3 and 4 years) and 22 students of the third year of early childhood education in the educational center and the linguistic model which, on the date of preparation of the ACNEAE index (students with specific educational support needs) collected in The table annexed to the resolution that calls for the student admission process has a negative index.

Course 24/25 is the first in which All types of school days, continuous, partial and flexible, are regulated.a regional order, which regulates its characteristics. Following a family consultation process in which 91.71% of the educational community participated, a total of 138 educational centers will have a continuous day and 30 centers will have a split day, with 2 centers with a flexible day. In this way, the Navarrese educational community begins the course with the stability that comes from knowing that this will be its educational path for the next four years, said the Executive.

Regarding the School transport, Around 15,000 students will use the Navarre school transport network, a figure similar to last year. The department has organised 282 bus routes throughout the province, provides 107 taxis to transport students to schools and institutes and provides individualised transport assistance to a total of 1,071 pre-school, primary and secondary school students.

Regarding the network of regional public canteens Dependent on the Ministry of National Education, with 41 dining rooms in total, this 24/25 academic year includes many new features. The regional soup kitchens managed by the Ministry of Education are expected to offer 1.3 million healthy menus to approximately 7,700 users this year.

It has been improved quality of daily menus, according to the Executive, with more fresh fish, more organic legumes and fresh products from kilometer 0; The right to a dining room has been extended to 175 days of the school year, with for the first time a subsidized dining room also in September and June; 32 regional restaurants were tendered and awarded for a period of 5 years with a fixed price over a long horizon; The right to aid for meals has been extended to all diners in municipalities exposed to an express and intense risk of depopulation; The aid for the canteen of ordinary canteens has been increased by 1 euro, to reach 5.2% and it continues to subsidize ordinary canteens in municipalities with fewer than 1,500 inhabitants.

All these improvements allow us to ensure the service with quality and price indicators over a 5-year time horizon and generate great stability in the sector.

As for infrastructureIn this journey that begins, the Department’s Infrastructure Service has started the process of building the new school in the city of Ancínin addition to the delivery of the enlargement of the Arraioz and Corella public schools and complete, already in the summer of 2025, the construction of the new Ripagaina Infant School.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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