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HomeLatest NewsNew type of theft of elderly women with paint on their backs...

New type of theft of elderly women with paint on their backs detected by police

THE Pamplona Municipal Police detected a new type of flight which is taking place in recent days in the Navarrese capital.

This Wednesday, at least three complaints different from attempted theft through the same ‘modus operandiThis is why the municipal police of Pamplona warns against possible new similar cases, especially among the elderly population, and especially among older women.

The way they steal is new in Pamplona, ​​or at least there is no evidence in the police of similar events and it consists of spray paint on his victims from behind.

They do it very carefully, preventing the victim in question from noticing, so it is not a large sum, it is a small colored mark on the clothesjust enough for the flight hook to approach the person and alert them that it has been stained with paint the back.

This is the starting point. The description of the hook coincides in the case of all three complaints: a well-dressed young womanbut he wore a face mask covering his face.

The thief warns him that there is a paint stain on his back and points it out to him, while offers to help you clean it. At this precise moment a man enters the scene, also young, whom the victims describe as tall and well dressedwhich is identified as the pair of the hook, and which corroborates that it presents a stain of paint, while cleaning tasks are added on the back.

With the excuse, they take advantage of take his bagattempt open it, subtract something from the inside, etc., although in the case of this Wednesday in Pamplona they did not manage, at least in the three cases reported, to steal absolutely anything, given the distrust of chosen victimsbut it is not known whether they managed to rob other people.

THE Pamplona Municipal Police confirms that it is a some criminals It’s moving very quickly. The three attempted thefts reported this Wednesday took place in neighborhoods far from the cityalthough in a very short period of time. The first of these was in the district of Hermitagethe second in the Merindades Square and the third in the Abejeras Street.

In all three cases, the victims were elderly women and in all three cases, They had just left a store. In one of the three cases, the security cameras of the establishment captured the scene at the door, which helped the municipal police of Pamplona to start your location.

In any case, police sources say it is very likely that Today they are no longer in Pamplona, but they traveled to any other city.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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