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HomeBreaking NewsTrump would put Musk in charge of a "government efficiency commission" if...

Trump would put Musk in charge of a “government efficiency commission” if he won the election.

Former US President Donald Trump said on Thursday that if he returned to the White House, he would create a government commission on efficiencythus adopting a political idea that the businessman presented to him Elon Musk. In addition, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX would head the administrative body.

“I will create a government commission on efficiency charged with conducting a comprehensive financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations on the drastic reforms that must be implemented. We cannot continue as we are,” the Republican told the Economic Club of New York.

He explained that the goal of the commission will be to identify ways to eliminate wasteful spending: “This commission will develop an action plan to completely eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months. This will save billions of dollars.” Trump described the tycoon as “a nice and smart guy” who knows what he is “doing”.

That same Thursday, Musk hinted that he would accept the mission. “I want to serve America if the opportunity arises,” he posted on his social network X.

In these elections, where Trump will face the Democrat in November Kamala HarrisMusk has announced his support for the Republican tycoon.

In mid-August, Musk interviewed Trump on his social media account and suggested the presidential candidate form a commission that would examine government spending as a way to combat inflation.

“I would be happy to contribute to such a commission,” the billionaire said at the time. Days later, Musk posted a graphic montage of himself on X saying he was “ready to serve the United States.”

Trump said this Thursday since new York that Musk is already very busy with his businesses, but that the businessman has “agreed to take a step forward.”

However, Musk’s companies, including Tesla and SpaceX, could interfere with this position due to conflicts of interest, as they are regulated by multiple federal agencies.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (JAR) is one of the main customers of SpaceX. In contrast, automobile sales and energy activities of Tesla They are subsidized by federal tax credits and their social network X is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission.

Additionally, his brain implant company Neuralink is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

At his symposium, Trump also said the United States must fight against China to combat their massive electricity production to power artificial intelligence companies and this will make their country the world capital of cryptocurrencies and bitcoin.

Trump also promised reduce the tax rate companies from 21% to 15%, but only “for companies that manufacture their products in the United States,” as well as increasing customs duties on products imported from abroad.




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