Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 8:07 pm
HomeBreaking NewsAustralia to allocate $3.164m to fight gender-based violence: 'It's a national crisis'

Australia to allocate $3.164m to fight gender-based violence: ‘It’s a national crisis’

The Australian government announced on Friday that it would allocate 4.7 billion Australian dollars (3.164 million US dollars or 2.848 million euros) to its plan to prevent and combat gender-based violence, classified by the Executive as a “national crisis”.

The Prime Minister, Antoine Albanaisannounced that most of the money will be invested to support frontline legal aid services over the next five years, as well as to provide increased assistance to minors who are victims of domestic violence, among other measures.

“We must act to ensure the safety of women. These horrific and disturbing deaths and despicable violence must be prevented.”the president noted at the press conference in Canberra. “We know that a coordinated national approach is needed to address this national crisis,” Albanese said, in remarks reported by Efe.

The measure announced by Albanese is part of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children (2022-2032), which he implemented shortly after coming to power.

Domestic and sexual violence affects one in six women in Australiaespecially among the indigenous population, according to official data from the oceanic country.

Similarly, in Australia, a woman is murdered every 11 days by her partner, while a man dies every 91 days for the same reasons between 2022-23, mainly due to conflict related to separation issues.

At the international level, The prevalence of gender-based violence among women aged 15-49 in Australia is 23%.below the average of the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (23.4%), according to a study by the organization itself, with a percentage better than that of the United States (26%) and the United Kingdom (24%) and worse than that of the European Union (18.5%) and Spain (15%).




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