Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 12:04 am
Home“Israel will disappear”: Trump expressed a pessimistic scenario

“Israel will disappear”: Trump expressed a pessimistic scenario

Former US President Donald Trump said that if Vice President Kamala Harris wins the upcoming election, it will lead to the demise of Israel.

“I will work with you to make sure that Israel will be with us for thousands of years. If you win, Israel will be gone… You can forget about Israel, that’s what will happen,” Trump said during a video address to Republicans. Jews, prompting applause in the room.

According to Trump, voting for his candidacy is the only way to save the Jewish state from destruction. He called on American Jews to support him in the elections, arguing that this was the only chance to avoid “terrible consequences.” He promised to “make Israel great again” and stressed that the situation for Jews would be very difficult if he did not have their support in the elections.

During his speech, Trump, as has happened before, again confused American Jews with Israelis, addressing the American audience:

“What they are experiencing now is terrible, with all the death, destruction and decay of civilization.”

Trump also expressed confidence that if he remained president, “virtually every country” would have joined the Abraham Accords. According to the politician, Jews felt safe during his administration, ignoring reports of an increase in anti-Semitic incidents during this period.

Earlier, Cursor reported that Trump repeated his “strong position” against Iran’s creation of nuclear weapons, calling it “the greatest threat” to Israel’s existence.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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