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HomeBreaking NewsBrazilian Minister of Human Rights denounced by several women for sexual harassment

Brazilian Minister of Human Rights denounced by several women for sexual harassment

The Brazilian Minister of Human Rights, Silvio Almeida, has been reported by several women for sexual harassment in front of the organization Me too Brazil, who defends women victims of sexual violence in this South American country.

“Me Too Brasil confirms, with the consent of the victims, having received complaints of sexual harassment against Minister Silvio Almeida,” the organization said in a statement sent to Efe.

The news was revealed by the portal Metropolises, which indicates that The cases occurred last yearAlthough the NGO did not specify the names or number of complainants, nor the type of siege or the time it occurred, information that “is secret.”

According to the NGO, the victims were assisted through the organization’s service channels, which also provided them with psychological and legal support.

In the statement, the organization said the victims had authorized what happened to be disclosed to the press by the “difficulties” they had “in obtaining institutional support”, something that, he said, “typically happens in cases involving ‘attackers in positions of power.'”

“Reporting an aggressor in a position of power helps break the cycle of impunity that often protects them. Public reporting reveals abusive behavior that is sometimes hidden by institutions or networks of influence,” says the NGO, stressing that this can lead to other victims. “break the silence”.

The minister denies

The complaints were “vehemently repudiated” by Minister Almeida, who, in a note sent to Efe by his press adviser, indicated that he “perceives” that it is “absurd conclusions” for the sole purpose of harming him.

The head of the Human Rights portfolio stressed that all complaints “must be investigated to the fullest extent of the law, but to do so, it is necessary that the facts be exposed, studied and addressed and not only based on lies,” without proof.”

The senior official said the issue was part of a campaign “to affect” his image as a “black man” who holds an important position in public power, and assured that “these measures will not succeed.”

Almeida took charge of the Human Rights portfolio in January 2023; He is a lawyer and professor and was president of the Luiz Gama Institute, a human rights organization focused on the legal defense of minorities and popular causes.

The 48-year-old lawyer, philosopher, writer and professor is the author of various works on racism, human rights, politics, philosophy and political economy in Brazil.




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