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Coach Tarlan Ahmadov: “We are proud that our 15-year-old girls have been invited to the national team”

Zahra Rzayeva and Konul Sadigli, who played for the Ismayilli district under-15 girls’ team, were invited to the Azerbaijan national team.

But how does it feel to be invited to the national team at 15 years old?

Oku.AzIsmailli’s employee learned the opinions of the Ismayilli team’s coach and players.

Head coach of the Ismayilli team Tarlan Ahmadov He said he was proud that his students were invited to the national team.

“The invitation of two of our girls from the Ismayilli team to the national team is a joy for football in our region. Our other girls can also be motivated by watching them and start playing sports. Of course, as a coach, it is a pride for me. It is very easy to create a team consisting of girls from the villages of Ismayilli and the region itself. It is not a job, it is a pleasure to overcome a difficult task and see the results. Konül and Zahra can justify the trust in the national team.”

A 15-year-old footballer from the Ismayilli team who was invited to the national team Zahra Rzayeva He said it was a great feeling to play for the national team for the first time.

“I am very happy to have been invited to the national team. Our coach Tarlan Ahmadov has worked hard with us. Thanks to him, our self-confidence has increased and we have started to play football. I hope we will be successful. The result will be our first match with the national team. The match against Belarus will also be my first trip abroad. It will be a special experience for me and I am very happy.”

Footballer of the Ismailli team, made up of other 15-year-olds who were invited to the Azerbaijan national team. Konul Sadygli She also expressed her solidarity with her colleague Z. Rzayeva.

“Being invited to the national team is a feeling that cannot be expressed in words. I am really very happy. I will travel abroad for the first time. I hope that we will return from the trip to Belarus with a successful result. Also thanks to Tarlan Ahmadov for supporting us.”

It should be noted that our U-15 women’s team will travel on September 11 to face the Belarusian national team.

Anar Hasanov


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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