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The seriousness of job offers at the heart of the skirmish between the CGT and France Travail

Fifty-five percent of job offers posted on the France Travail website are fraudulent or fictitious and therefore illegal. This is what the 17 states have to saymy Study carried out by the CGT and published on August 29.

The trade union confederation works regularly to verify the accuracy of the information contained in job offers. Thus, from Monday 26 to Wednesday 28 August, the National Committee of Unemployed and Precarious Workers (CNTPEP) of the CGT examined 1,844 advertisements and estimated that 1,022 were illegal according to the Labour Code.

Following a lexical analysis, 80% of the incriminated offers were classified as such. “For example, the mention “CDD which could lead to an open-ended contract” may mislead the candidate. This also implies that the employer meets its permanent need for labour through a fixed-term contract reserved by law for occasional needs. This is therefore an illegal offer.estimates Pierre Garnodier, Secretary General of the CNTPEP-CGT.

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The other 20 percent of the advertisements in question are the result of a test operation carried out by CGT activists who called employers posing as candidates. The union has even recorded telephone exchanges with temporary employment agencies in which the duration of contracts advertised for one or more months is reduced to zero or even disappears during the conversation.

A deliberate strategy

These fictitious or misleading advertisements are the result, according to the CGT, of a deliberate strategy. On the one hand, for temporary employment agencies it is a question of“to fatten the workers” encouraging them to apply for long-term assignments that do not exist. In fact, temporary workers are reluctant to apply for very short and unattractive assignments.

On the other hand, dummy ads allow employers to create a pool of candidates to draw from in the event of a spike in activity or a last-minute withdrawal. “But job seekers cannot waste time examining offers that lead nowhere… Therefore, it is essential not to “sneak” away from them. in vain, this constitutes a lack of consideration”Pierre Garnodier protests.

The results of the CGT study contrast with those of the study carried out in 2019 by France Travail, which found only 7% of irregularities among the 5,000 offers analysed on its site. It is true that the two studies, not content with being carried out over two different periods, also differ methodologically. The CGT analyses offers relating to a dozen cities outside the Île-de-France region (Brest, Toulouse, Caen, Bordeaux, Angers, etc.), focusing on the health, personal services and industrial sectors.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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