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HomeBreaking NewsIt's already Christmas in Caracas thanks to Nicolas Maduro

It’s already Christmas in Caracas thanks to Nicolas Maduro

There is a passivity with Venezuela, as if by condemning it, but not much, the problem would be solved. Now that we are in September, the news has returned to its usual news, as if the kidnappings and repression had stopped in Caracas and Nicolas Maduro It was history.

Last week on Spanish radio, the woman’s wife explained Perkins Rochacountry lawyer Maria Corina Machadohow the venezuelan government kidnapped her husband. And you got goosebumps like you were a kid and they were still telling you the story of the bogeyman.

Since then, I have not heard from him. He told how the Venezuelan opponents lived in uncertainty about whether tomorrow they would come for them and their families would no longer know anything, and it reminded me of the Ukrainians who had become accustomed to living under the noise of bombs and in both cases to the Europeans We promised them that they would not be alone.

Venezuelan socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro.


And in both cases, now that it is September, we are living our lives because we are far from Caracas and kyiv. Between life and death, almost everything is frivolous. Anything other than what is happening in Venezuela and Ukraine is frivolous.but here we are.

We have once again lost the opportunity to lead something important in the world. Something that goes beyond the community of neighbors that we have transformed into Spain, asymmetrical, confederal and to which Catalonia must always draw attention. We have lost the opportunity to deal with something that really matters.

We prefer to be content with trying again and again to host the Olympic Games (and failing in our attempt), as if that had any historical significance or spoke better of us than this passivity in the face of injustice.

From time to time it comes out Albares saying that Shoemaker He is a hero of world peace and by not recognizing the results of the elections they have already fulfilled their conscience. As if the dictatorship came from July, as if Venezuelans had not been kidnapped for more than two decades.

Spain could be the voice, in the West, of this Venezuela that only wants to be free. Be your spokesperson to the world. But Pedro Sanchez He tries not to notice that to stay in Moncloa he needs seven votes every morning.

If there was anything sincerely interesting about the suffering of Venezuelans, someone would explain what they are doing in Barajas. Delcy RodriguezMaduro’s lieutenant, while he could not set foot in the Schengen area. What was in those suitcases?

This embarrassing chapter of our recent history, if it were a movie Humphrey Bogartwould have an Oscar. But since it was political and no one gave any explanation about it, it’s just a shame.

It is better not to pay attention to this systematic persecution that Nicolas Maduro has been carrying out for a month and in which opponents, family and anyone who claims that the elections in Venezuela were a shameless theft.

Worse still, the dictator declared on Tuesday that starting October 1st, it would be Christmas in Venezuela. Because, insanely, he decided: “In homage to you, in gratitude to you, I am going to decree an early Christmas for October 1st. For everyone.” As if, with lights and barrels of powder, this would mask the miserable reality.

But this is the problem with satraps and tyrants, who come to believe that their word is law, as if by decree they could turn the world in the opposite direction, that God would advance the birth date from December 24 to October 1 or that Venezuela is a democracy, because that is what it claims.

In the meantime, we can remain calm in Spain and continue with diminished awareness, because in Caracas it’s already Christmas.




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