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Police catch a young man who escaped from a juvenile center hitting his girlfriend in the street in Burgos

Police catch a young man who escaped from a juvenile center hitting his girlfriend in the street in Burgos

Escaped from a juvenile center, he was in the street with his girlfriend and in the middle of an argument he hit her. “a slap to the girl’s face.” The scene took place in the presence of agents of the National Police de Burgos, who arrested him for the offense of sexist violence.

The events took place on Luis Cernuda Street, where a patrol car was circulating accompanied by no one and saw how the discussion ended in the above. assault on young woman, 17 years oldwhich prompted the officers to get out of the car and address them.

At first, he – 19 years old – “tried to confuse them” by inquiring about their information and the relationship between the two men, who finally recognized that they were a couple and were arrested. The operation seemed to be over when a new “shock“.

The victim, according to the National Police, “She became aggressive” and began banging on the windows of several nearby cars. and “pushing an officer by punching his face,” apparently to “avoid the arrest of his attacker.”

Finally, both were transferred to the police stations, where it was found that three legal proceedings were underway against the young man, one in the Burgos court and two in the Valladolid courts, and that he was escaped from a juvenile detention centerwhere it was derived again.

The minor, for her part, is the subject of an investigation for the crime of attack on officers of the authority, and the facts were brought to the attention of the Burgos Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office, after which she was handed over and placed in the custody of her legal representatives.


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