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Feijóo aligns his barons against Sánchez’s attack: “We refuse to fall into a deceptive bilaterality”

The entrance to the Palace of the Dukes of Pastrana, in Madrid, is reminiscent of that of Moncloa. A simple coincidence that serves as a stage for the PP to reflect its unity in the face of the attacks of Pedro Sánchez, who in recent days has launched an offensive to break the common position of the popular barons in matters of regional financing. In these bilateral meetings announced by the President of the Government, the barons who wish to participate will participate, but they will not negotiate any type of economic advantage, since they have expressly renounced it, as announced by Alberto Núñez Feijóo. “All the presidents renounce falling into a deceptive bilaterality,” said the visible face of the PP, surrounded by all the regional leaders. In the absence of a conference of presidents, announced by the government before the summer and still without a specific date, the PP has summoned all its barons this Friday in Madrid. Ten presidents, the vice-presidents of the Canary and Balearic Islands and the two presidents of the autonomous cities. Fourteen different voices have agreed on a common position around Alberto Núñez Feijóo to confront Sánchez. The manifesto signed by all clearly sets out the principles that will govern the negotiation, which must be addressed jointly in the Council of Fiscal and Financial Policy, and sets out specific demands, summarised in the request to the government to end the Catalan quota agreed with ERC, to inject 18,000 of European funds into the autonomous communities and to immediately convene this conference of presidents requested for months by the regional executives. On the other hand, the PP offers loyalty and commitment to contribute “actively to a new agreement that, starting from the common regime, serves everyone and not just those that the independentists want”. Related news standard No The government boasts of “credibility” in terms of regional financing Standard Iuri Pereira No Illa acknowledges that the financing agreement “will be expensive”, but assures that it will comply “despite the noise”. Àlex Gubern Feijóo’s words were applauded by his barons. Isabel Díaz Ayuso (Madrid) and María Guardiola (Extremadura) were particularly in agreement when the Galician explained that the Catalan embassies and the separatist delusions could not be supported with the money of all Spaniards. Like them, the rest of the presidents followed Feijóo’s speech closely, who explained the agreement reached that began by ruining the pact between the government and the ERC and ended up proposing solutions. Few concrete measures – beyond those 18,000 euros that would come from unallocated European funds -, since this remains in the common forum that does not yet have a date. “It was not the time to talk about numbers, because that was not the scenario and we do not have data, but it was time to clarify the principles and that is what we have done,” said one of the barons who weigh in the sector. ” the popular leadership told ABC. These principles translate into an inevitable multilateral negotiation of regional financing, totally ignoring the government’s offer to conclude bilateral agreements, as was done with Catalonia. “We cannot leave the common regime. Equality and solidarity among Spaniards are inalienable,” says another of these barons. The meeting in this Madrid mansion lasted for hours and, in addition to laying the foundations for this regional financing – whose negotiation still has no date -, many other things were discussed. Génova wanted to emphasize once again the freedom of action of his barons and the small disagreements between them that could have arisen in the last hours due to Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s message asking her colleagues not to attend the meeting with the president were smoothed over. “The exceptional nature of Moncloa with us is unprecedented, but we are not going to tell a regional government what its relationship with the president should be,” PP sources said.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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