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How to properly wash synthetic jackets and down jackets in the washing machine without damaging them

With the end of the summer period, there are many areas of Spain where it is already necessary to dress warmer to go out. autumn It is already approaching and with it certain changes, such as the temperature, the hours of light or the return to routine.

One of the most notable changes concerns the wardrobe. With the end of summer, it is time to update the wardrobe and add winter items. Among them, one of the most used to go out is the down or synthetic fiber coatsuseful to protect us from the first cold days after the hot months.

It should be noted that daily use of these clothes causes wear and dirtand washing them is not a simple task. So much so that it is sometimes easy to fall into methods that are not functional or that could even seriously damage the fabrics. It is therefore necessary to respect certain Steps to machine wash synthetic and down jackets without damaging them.

How to wash synthetic jackets and down jackets

To know how to properly wash our jackets, we must first know what they are made of. down jackets They get this name because they are made of feathers inside the fabric, which are an excellent thermal insulator.

However, this material is quite delicate, so washing this type of fabric by mistake can damage the feathers inside or weigh them downthus losing its insulating capacity. On the other hand, jackets with synthetic padding, such as polyester or fiber, are less delicate, but you should also take care with your cleaning method.

Before washing any type of clothing in the machine, it is recommended check the label for further instructions, as not all down jackets are ready to be washed at home. More delicate ones require cleaning methods such as dry cleaning, among others, so it would be wise to take them to a dry cleaner or other specialized place.

All the details on how and where we can wash our clothes, as well as the maximum temperature at which it is possible to program the washing machine or whether it allows the use of a dryer or whether it should be air dried, will appear indicated on the labels of them, so they will need to be checked before washing.

After checking whether it is possible to put the clothes in the washing machine, prepare them for washing. To do this, close all zippers -both the central one and the pocket ones- to prevent clothes from getting caught and torn during washing.

It is also advisable to adjust other accessories such as ropes or cords so that they move as little as possible inside the appliance. Close the velcros to prevent them from filling up with lint and losing their effect.

One of the most important keys when washing a down jacket is the detergent. Using the wrong product could damage the feathers’ natural oils or limit their insulating capacity. It is therefore advisable to use specific soaps to wash this type of garment, or with mild detergents for delicate clothes without fabric softener or bleach.

Avoid using fabric softeners is essential, as these reduce the insulating properties of the feathers inside the jackets.

When selecting the program in the washing machineChoose the most delicate wash cycle possible, which ensures that the clothes will not move excessively inside the drum of the appliance. Also select a low temperature – 20 degrees Celsius is recommended and 30 degrees maximum –, this way you will avoid the risk of damaging the fabrics.

Following the instructions will not only get your down jackets and synthetic jackets completely clean, but it will also help last as long as possible.

Other tips for washing synthetic and down jackets

Although the washing process is simple and requires little preparation, there are a few tips for easier cleaning synthetic and down jackets, and minimize any possibility of damage to clothing.

A little-known but very effective technique is to add a few tennis balls into the washing machine drum before washing. These help the feathers not to clump together during the spin cycle, allowing them to remain more evenly distributed throughout the jacket.

When drying our clothes, whether the coat is made of synthetic material or feathers, it is advisable to use – as long as it is indicated on the label – the gentlest drying cycle possible. Additionally, overfilling the dryer drum could prevent clothes from drying properly.

For jackets that should not be tumble dried, drying them outside is the easiest and most effective option. However, it is advisable to hang the clothes in a specific way when drying them, since hanging them in a horizontal arrangement could damage the tissues and pile the feathers at the bottom of the garment.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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