Monday, September 23, 2024 - 4:53 pm
HomeLatest News"There are thousands of pages" but more are missing

“There are thousands of pages” but more are missing

THE commission of inquiry led into the Valencian Courts by PP and Vox to clarify the existence of alleged irregularities in public sector decisive under socialist governments Ximo Puig It won’t start in September. I will do it in Octoberas confirmed by sources close to OKDIARIO. The reason for this postponement is that, although the aforementioned commission has already compiled thousands of pages with the documentation requested from the various institutional bodies, There is still much to do.

The decision to wait until October to begin the work of the commission of inquiry is based on the criterion of rigor that the parties promoting it want to maintain and on the firm decision of Don’t make it a “circus”. Because the goal is to investigate and clarify these alleged irregularities, no matter how long it takes, but with the greatest transparency and clarity.

The aforementioned commission of inquiry is part of the initiatives adopted by the two aforementioned political groups, PP and Vox, after this January 16 the new president of the Valencian Government, popular Carlos Mazon has made public the results of an audit on the instrumental public sector under the government of Ximo Puig.

PP and Vox They announced the initiative on January 18, just 48 hours after learning about the situation in the Valencian public instrumental sector.

Therefore, the start of the second stage of the commission of inquiry, which will begin with all the documents in the possession of the investigators, will not coincide with the opening of the new hearing period. There are still documents requested from the various ministries, public companies and other entities, which were not sent to the Valencian Cortes.

The data that led to the launch of this commission of inquiry are based on the aforementioned audit. It revealed, among other things, the existence of more than 253,122 direct contracts worth 713 million euros. And other data, equally frightening, such as more than 4,000 staff hired “who were not authorized” by the General Directorate of Budgets in 2021.

On January 16, Mazón also denounced the existence of “bills in drawers, contracts on the fingerunauthorized personnel, uncontrolled spending, bank transfers without holder and the largest number of companies and entities in our history.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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