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Damián pressures Isidro to get Fina to leave

It’s no secret Dreams of freedom It has become, little by little and over time, one of the most successful daily fictions in our country. This is not the result of chance, since we are faced with a story that, whatever happens, has already marked a before and after in many aspects. Last Thursday, September 5, we were able to enjoy chapter 137 of Dreams of freedom where, among other things, we saw how Jesus did not hesitate for a second to take advantage of the opportunity offered to him to manipulate Julia in order to turn her against Begoña. Digna, encouraged by Luz, has decided to motivate her children not to abandon the current project, the spa. All this while Fina confronts Damián like never before, letting him know that she does not want to go to Barcelona.

Far from everything remaining there, we are witnesses to the way in which Jaime eventually discovers that Jesus has made the firm decision to break their agreement by denouncing Fina and Marta. All that remains is that we see how Isabel makes it clear that her goal is to receive greater recognition from Jesus, while Tasio is deeply determined to do everything in his power so that Carmen can buy the apartment of her dreams.. Luis finds in Palencia a perfect land for the spa, so he asks Luz to accompany him. Digna begins to have serious doubts about her ability to leave Toledo, while Andrés told Maria that he couldn’t help but have serious doubts about how lunch with Miranda would go. As if that were not enough, Begoña ends up listening to a private conversation between Isabel and Jesús.

Fina in Dreams of Freedom. (Atresmédia)

What happens in chapter 138 of Dreams of freedom which is broadcast today, Friday September 6?

Begoña soon informs Digna that Jesus has taken her lands, while Tasio introduced Carmen to the possible solution so that she could get the money needed to buy the apartment of her dreams. All this while Damián quickly puts pressure on Isidro like never before to convince Fina to leave, once and for all.

Claudia continues to be extremely hurt by Mateo’s unexpected closeness to Don Agustín. Far from everything remaining there, we see how Jesus did not hesitate for a single second to put Begoña between the hammer and the anvil: if he wants to continue seeing Julia, he cannot leave her under any circumstances.

Damián surprised Andrés with a firm request: that he is the one who is going to have lunch with Miranda, but the young man seems completely convinced. Jaime reveals to Luz all the details of the blackmail that Jesus made her suffer. And all this to try to prevent her from revealing the results of Begoña’s real analysis. Don’t miss the next chapters of Dreams of freedomevery afternoon from Monday to Friday, on Antena 3.

Isidro and Fina in Dreams of Freedom. (Atresmédia)


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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