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“He stabbed himself in the heart and ran away” – DETAILS OF THE MURDER AT THE Bakikhanov bakery

The trial of Elshan Mammadov, who killed his co-worker Etibar Salamzade for swearing in the “Bakikhanov” bakery, continues.

According to Unikal, the brother of Tahir Salamzade, the legal heir of the victim in the criminal case of Elshan Shahveran oghlu Mammadov, sent an electronic letter to the court to be recognized as a defendant. Judge Javid Huseynov informed the participants in the proceedings that the letter he had sent to the court was illegal. Then the legal heir, Tahir Salamzade, made a speech and expressed his opinion on the opinion of the defendant during his speech and noted that these opinions were false and spoke about his son:

“My son went to work on the night shift. I recently received a call saying that his son had been stabbed and taken to the hospital. When I arrived, my son was already dead. I looked at the factory camera footage, where my son fell to the ground, stabbed himself in the heart and ran away. He left 4 small children orphaned. The crime is also “I don’t count my father. I ask you to give Elshan the most severe punishment.” “After my son’s burial, Elshan’s people called me to offer their condolences,” she said and 2 or 3 women came. I told her that even if her son is dead, this case must be solved. I told her that if she calls again, I will report it to the prosecution.”

During the course of the trial, witness Aliyar Hasanov stated:

“I work as a security guard in a bakery. Elshan came in the evening, sat down and talked for a while. There is a locksmith’s room there, he asked me for the key and I gave it to him. Shortly after, the deceased Etibar Salamzade came to me and I was shot. I immediately called the police and asked for help. I sent one of our employees to the hospital. Then I told his friend to go to the hospital. Elshan died, he was shot and the knife was also broken on the floor. The police came, I handed them Elsha and the knife.”

It should be noted that the trial has been postponed until September 20.

It should be recalled that on April 20 this year, at around 8 am, the Public Prosecutor’s Office received information about the death of Etibar Salamzade, 34, in hospital from cuts and stab wounds in the Sabunchu district of the capital.

According to information provided by the Sabunchu district prosecutor’s office, investigations have established well-founded suspicions that 39-year-old Elshan Mammadov wounded his acquaintance Etibar Salamzade with a knife during a dispute in the Bakikhanov settlement of the district, and that the latter died in hospital where he was treated as a result of this injury.

The prosecutor’s office has opened a criminal case on the grounds of this fact under Article 120.1 (intentional homicide) of the Criminal Code. Elshan Mammadov was detained as a suspect in the case by decision of the prosecutor’s office.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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