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HomeEntertainment NewsRenaissance supports Michel Barnier, “without a blank check”

Renaissance supports Michel Barnier, “without a blank check”

What is consistency in naming? “a prime minister from the party that came in fourth [aux élections législatives] and who did not even participate in the Republican front” ? The analysis is by Olivier Faure, First Secretary of the Socialist Party (PS). Until then, it was shared within the presidential camp when the hypothesis that the future Prime Minister would come from the Les Républicains (LR) party was being considered. While the outgoing majority finally seems more accommodating with the appointment of Michel Barnier in Matignon on Thursday 5 September, the Macronist troops have warned that they will not support the new head of government blindly. “There will be no automatic censorship, but rather substantive demands without a blank check”, warned the Renaissance Party, in a brief press release published in X.

Read also | Live: Prime Minister Michel Barnier holds talks with LR leaders and will then be received by Emmanuel Macron at noon

The dispute is heavy with the formation of the conservative right, which the presidential troops could not count on either during the pension reform in April 2023 or for the approval of the immigration law, in December 2023. And which, in addition, made them lose valuable parliamentary seats by refusing to resign in front of the National Rally (RN) during the period between the two rounds of the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7.

The question of Renaissance’s positioning vis-à-vis the future Barnier government immediately revived the fractures within the Macronist group in the Assembly. On Thursday, after their first group meeting, just after the handover of power between Michel Barnier and Gabriel Attal, the resigned Minister Delegate in charge of Agriculture, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, raised the issue of a possible attempt by the Barnier government to repeal state medical aid, a system that allows foreigners in an irregular situation to benefit from access to medical care. A possible reason for censure, according to her.

Later, on the set of BFM-TV, Mme Pannier-Runacher said that “The center of the National Assembly was in the center left”. Quite the opposite of the Renaissance deputy of Yvelines Charles Rodwell, ” satisfied “ of the appointment of Michel Barnier, whose “Firmness in ensuring the security of the French and reducing immigration is recognised”commented on X.

Create a coalition

In front of the deputies of the group, the resigning Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, spoke out against the opening of an extraordinary session in the National Assembly (without waiting for the start of the ordinary session, scheduled for 1Ahem October) to prevent the new prime minister “I need time to organize myself”. At the beginning of the day, the president of the Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet (Renaissance), had judged, on the contrary, ” essential ” Emmanuel Macron to convene Parliament ” as soon as possible “. “The whole challenge is to ensure that we are not in an extreme fragmentation of the group”worries an executive advisor.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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