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Mazón joins PP’s LACC to demand leveling fund with rejection of quota for Catalonia

THE regional fundingThe great pending and insoluble question of Valencian politics of the last decade due to the underfunding it generates, has become one of the great national debates due to the new single system proposed by the socialists for Catalonia. The Valencian president Carlos Mazón has clearly expressed his frontal rejection of this Catalan quota in bloc with the barons of the PPwhose commitment demand the temporary leveling fund so that the Valencian can now compensate for the traditional lack of resources.

Mazón made it clear after the meeting with the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and the rest of the regional presidents of the party, that one of the conclusions that were reached together is “that a temporary leveling fund is necessary” until the reform of the autonomous financing system.

“There is a confirmation and ratification of the reality of the Valencian Community in search of equality for all of Spain,” he said after the meeting. Mazón was satisfied with what is considered “recognized, in black and white” as Emergency measure to address Valencian underfundingwhich also harms other regions such as Murcia, Castilla-La Mancha or Andalusia.

As explained by Ruth Merino, Minister of Finance and spokesperson for the Consell, the agreement signed this Friday at the summit of regional presidents of the PP includes as one of its fundamental points the requirement of the creation of a “genuine and effective” complementary leveling financed by state resources until the renewal of the financing system, the need for which is considered “imperative”.

From the Valencian Community, this transitional fund is estimated at 1.782 million euros per year on average for the next four years, based on a report prepared by the commission of experts on regional financing that advises the government and Les Corts Valencianas. Money with which, according to these wise men, the Generalitat Valenciana would be on a par with the average financing of the group of communities under common regime.

President Mazón also expressed very clearly his rejection of the formula of the singular agreement with Catalonia and its extension to the rest of the communities, considering that it breaks equality and solidarity in Spain. as he explained in the interview he published

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A posture that marks another profound one clash with the Valencian socialistsat a time when the people have lost Vox as a government partner in Valencia. The leader of the PSPV, Diana Morant, supported the agreement reached by Pedro Sánchez and even assured that she would work so that the Valencian Community has “a similar agreement” in terms of financing.

Morant defended a new “fairer” regional financing model, which addresses and covers “the needs and singularities of the territories” and assured that a “new paradigm” is opening in Spain to become “more federal” and recognizes “the aspiration for greater sovereignty that some territories have” such as the Valencian Community. A trend that, as he defended, also marks the agreement between the PSC and the ERC for the investiture of the socialist Salvador Illa as “president” of the Generalitat of Catalonia.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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