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HomeLatest NewsThis is how he defends his position in the Galdeano-Suescun conflict

This is how he defends his position in the Galdeano-Suescun conflict

Belen Esteban has once again spoken out loud, this time on the most discussed controversy of the moment: the confrontation between Sofía Suescun and her partner Kiko Jiménez against Maite Galdeano, mother of the influencerThe situation has sparked a great deal of controversy on television and although many believe that it could be a set-up, Belén has a firm position. She is convinced that the conflict is real and has experienced similar situations up close. His opinion is interesting because in the past he waged a very tense war against Sofia.The young woman spoke about herself in a magazine and this audacity marked a before and after.

Belén assures that, according to what she was told, Kiko Jiménez made a very hurtful comment to Sofia after her participation in “Survivor of all stars”. According to the collaborator, she criticized Sofia for her performance in the competition with harsh words: “You, why did you go there? Don’t you realize that you have become like the bitch of Spain? These statements support the version of Maite Galdeano, who had also made public her complaints about Kiko’s behavior.

Sofía Suescun, in a presentation. (Photo: Gtres)

Although Belén initially thought it was all a set-up, she eventually changed her mind when other people, like Kiko Matamoros, confirmed what she had heard. The seriousness of the conflict caused a major rift between Sofía and her mother, which deeply worries Belén. She believes that no matter the problems, a mother and daughter must be united, but she also insists that children must have the freedom to make their own decisions.

Belén Esteban speaks very clearly about Suescun

Belén, visibly moved, reflects on what it means to be a mother. She believes that, even if a mother’s love is immense, she cannot control the lives of her children. “Children must fly, live their lives, make mistakes if necessary,” he commented in ‘Ni que fueramos’. Jesulín de Ubrique’s ex understands the pain Maite must be feelingbut she also believes she must learn to give her daughter space and not interfere in her personal decisions.

Although Belén has not had a close relationship with Maite Galdeano and Sofía Suescun in recent years, she assures that she does not want to hurt them. Her intervention is not intended to fuel further controversy, but rather to reflect on the delicate situation that both of them are experiencing as a family. “It’s a family problem and I know what it’s like,” he admits..

Carmen Borrego springs into action

On the other hand, it is known that Maite Galdeano asked for the support of Carmen Borrego, who also experienced family tensions. According to journalist Letizia Requejo, the woman from Pamplona asked Carmen for advice on how to approach her daughter. Carmen, who was conciliatory, recommended that it was better not to speak publicly about Sofia. However, Maite did not follow this advice and decided to participate in the program. ‘Friday!’ to explain their version of events, which made reconciliation even more difficult.

Despite Carmen Borrego’s attempts at rapprochement, the relationship between Sofía and Maite remains at a standstill. The influencer, known as “queen of reality TV shows”has chosen to stay away from his mother and it seems the gap between them is widening. The family conflict continues to dominate headlines, with little sign of resolution in sight.

Latest news: Cristian Suescun is present in “De Viernes!”

Cristian Suescun, Sofia’s older brotherdecided to break his silence and speak out on ‘De Viernes!’ about his complicated relationship with his mother. In the show, the young man reveals that Maite never showed him affection, which deeply marked his life. According to him, his mother always treated him harshly because she considered him a constant image of his father, which affected the relationship between the two.

Cristian’s statements add a new dimension to the already tense family situation. The breakup between Sofía and Maite is only part of a much more complex story.where all family members seem trapped in a cycle of pain and disagreement. With all this up in the air, it is difficult to predict whether the Suescun-Galdeano family You will be able to find peace. Of course, Belén Esteban is not willing to produce more firewood from the fallen tree.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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