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HomeLatest NewsUnanimity of political groups to request air conditioning of Talavera schools

Unanimity of political groups to request air conditioning of Talavera schools

The motion of the Municipal Socialist Group urging the government team of Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) to implement air conditioning projects in early childhood and primary education centersas well as the Bios Special Education Center, was unanimously approved this Friday with an amendment of addition and modification from the Popular Municipal Group and the Vox Group.

Thus, the green light was given to the development of an air conditioning project to cool the preschool and primary education centers, the secondary and baccalaureate education institutes, the vocational training and the special education school “Bios”, which will collect the diagnosis, the needs and the financial budget necessary for each educational center.

PP and VOX added in the proposal that the City Council urges the Community Council of Castilla-La Mancha to make an air conditioning plan for schools and educational centers in Talavera, “as promised in the inauguration speech of July 5, 2023 and thus provide a viable, feasible, practical and sustainable solution to all schools and educational centers.”

The spokesman for the Municipal Popular Group and the government team, Jesús García-Barroso, stressed that the improvement of air conditioning must be extended to all educational centers, not just nursery and primary schools. For this reason, he clarified that the government team will continue to insist that the Office, “since it is its responsibility”, carry out the projects for these facilities and allocate a sufficient budget to carry them out.

In the meantime, the Talavera City Council will continue to assume its responsibility for the maintenance and conservation of the facilities of the educational centers, “but let’s not forget that we cannot cover costs that do not correspond to us,” he added.

For his part, Vox spokesman David Moreno demanded that the head of the regional executive, Emiliano García-Page, “fulfill what was promised” during the investiture debate on July 5, 2023, where he promised to dedicate 70 percent of the budgets to essential public services such as health and education and recalled that the regional president announced an air conditioning plan for all schools in Castilla-La Mancha,

In plenary session, the Regulation of the Municipal Council for the Participation of Children and Adolescents was definitively approved unanimously, after the resolution of complaints, suggestions and allegations.

Likewise, the proposal of the Popular Municipal Group and Vox to urge the Commission and the Ministry of Finance to recover the services of the Financial Administration of Talavera was unanimously approved.

On the other hand, the spokesman for the Municipal Socialist Group, Luis Enrique Hidalgo, stressed that the motion seeks that the local government “take the first steps towards the air conditioning of the educational centers of Talavera, a step that the municipality must take. ” regardless of the skills you have; You must start drafting projects and plans that improve the thermal efficiency of these schools in these stages of extreme heat episodes which occur during the months of April, May or September, which had not happened before.

Hidalgo recalled that the Municipal Socialist Group will present a positive proposal to improve Talavera in each municipal plenary session, “because we care about Talavera, because we do not want the paralysis and inaction of this government team of PP and Vox to slow down the growth that we have been seeing in our city for several years,” he concluded.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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