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HomeLatest NewsLeft happy about X (Twitter) closure in Brazil

Left happy about X (Twitter) closure in Brazil

In Silver StarThe famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes deduces who the thief in the case he is investigating is because a dog did not bark, meaning he knew the criminal. Today we are in a similar situation, seeing the mainstream media scorn while regimes like Brazil’s crush the freedom of expression.

If there is anything that is radically forbidden by official thinking, it is the old human instinct to recognize patterns, and so we are encouraged to regard everything that happens as a pattern. isolated case. For example, the astonishing fact that the president of the Supreme Court of Brazil release more than 200 million Brazilians on the world’s leading social news network, X, in response to the refusal of its owner, billionaire Elon Musk, to block some accounts critical of the leftist government of Lula da Silva.

De Moraes, who became the champion of international progressivism in his singular fight against this progressivism threat to democracy who was the former Brazilian president, Liberal Jair Bolsonarohas already, by blocking Musk’s social network on August 31, the dubious honor of having placed the first Western country in the select club of autocracies that block Musk’s network, alongside North Korea, China, Russia and Iran. But, alarmingly, this is not the main news in all this affair.

The news here is that This is by no means an isolated case.but a trend that is perfectly visible on a global scale in a process that has accelerated in recent months. And the dog is not barking, quite the contrary.

I have lived long enough to remember how journalists from all media and ideologies jumped as if pushed by a spring in front of the masses. timid attempt at censorship from the powers that be, but what we see today in many mainstream media outlets on both sides of the Atlantic is, if not full applause for De Moraes’ decision, at least the vague message that “Musk was asking for it” for his “obsession” with freedom of expression.

But for those who have not lost the human capacity to recognize patterns There are no surprises. Let’s review, considering only the news of this year.

The year began, in fact, with a highly revealing speech by the President of the European Commission, the repeat offender Ursula von der Leyen, at the World Economic Forum. In it, von der Leyen proclaimed the disinformation and the fake news as the main threat to humanity, even before sacred dogma of climate changeand openly called for controlling the flow of information globally. “The main concern for the next two years is not conflict or climate, but disinformation and misinformation,” von der Leyen proclaimed, adding: “The line between online and offline is becoming increasingly thin, and this is even more important in the age of generative AI. Clearer?

His faithful squire, the President of the Spanish Government for our sins, Pedro Sánchez, received the ball and shot on goal, announcing in May a Ursula’s Threat Realization: “After the elections of June 9, we will carry out a series of measures aimed at combating hoaxes and regenerating Spanish democracy.”

And the Seventh Cavalry isn’t going to save us this time, because in the land of free speech, enshrined in the First Amendment of its revered Constitution, their situation isn’t much better. Especially if the Democrat wins the presidency. Kamala Harriswho in a recent interview given to the friendly network cnnindicted against the only social network committed to freedom of expression and information, X. “Elon Musk has lost his privileges, he needs to be removed,” Harris even said. “They are speaking directly to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation, and that has to stop.” And, like a kindergarten teacher addressing students with special needs, she pointedly divided the wheat from the chaff: Facebook is good; X is bad.

Why Facebook is good in the eyes of establishment? Meta’s own CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, admitted as much (and here the verb takes on sacramental tones) in an explosive letter addressed to the United States Congress: Facebook has given in to pressure Democrats to censor alarming information about covid and vaccines and, above all, information that appears exclusively in the New York Post about the lost laptop of Hunter Biden, son of the then-presidential candidate.

The laptop in question not only revealed what everyone already knew, namely that Biden descendant uses crack as if they were sweets and have sexual tastes that border on crime. The main thing was the revelation of a corruption plot in Ukraine, China and other countries in which he used his connections to receive large commissions. The family Biden was making gold at the administration’s expense.

The matter is so serious that not only 100 intelligence agents sent a statement to the media assuring that the news was just a Russian disinformationalthough recognized as true after Biden’s victory, but, importantly, subsequent polls revealed that a percentage of Biden voters They would have opted for abstention or for Trump if they had known the content of the news. But Zuckerberg was there to save the day.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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