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HomeLatest NewsMontero further confuses the Catalan quota

Montero further confuses the Catalan quota

The government – through Illa and the PSC – has agreed, as is well known, to grant Catalonia its own tax regime, which it calls “singular financing” and which is nothing more than a Economic concert with a Catalan quotawhich will be calculated as badly as the Basque, that is to say, favorable to the independentists. This goes against the law, breaks solidarity, introduces injustice and establishes first and second class citizens.

Well, because of the reactions that have taken place against this quota, the government no longer knows how to get out of this mess, and each statement is more embarrassing, absurd and impossible than the last. They started by saying that it is good for Catalonia and for all of Spain -Sánchez and Bolaños-, to then repeat that it does not harm any autonomous community -the government spokesperson, for example-, and finally let the first vice-president of the Government and Minister of the Treasury, María Jesús Montero, explain it and deepen the government’s argument. And there already the situation is becoming grotesquebecause the person responsible for public finances, who knows perfectly well that this breaks the system, that many regions will not be able to pay for part of certain services and that the AGE will see its resources reduced, has not only stated that anyone who claims that is a lie, but that this measure, which he describes as good, is intended for individual financing and is compatible with the fact that other regions are also requesting their individual financing.

Either the minister does not know what she is saying or she is lying openly: if giving Catalonia its own tax system is economically unfeasible, giving it to the rest breaks forever with any trace of interregional solidarity that might remain and clearly establishes the government’s commitment to a regressive system of first- and second-class citizens. If, in addition to Catalonia, they all had it, Madrid and the Balearic Islands would have enough resources to cover their expenses, but what about the rest? The other twelve – the two provincials would continue in their privileged regime – would see funding significantly reduced that they receive, causing a huge impoverishment in terms of the provision of certain services that they could offer in Catalonia, but not in Castilla-La Mancha, for example.

It’s all nonsense. It’s likely that Montero said this to try to divert attention and introduce other Autonomous Communities, possibly Madrid, into this type of singular financing, not to grant it – since Montero wants to homogenize taxes – but to show that they could also opt for it. and to confuse the indignation that the Catalan quota represents. None of this makes sense, but the government increasingly confuses this absurdity, knowing that it is illegal, that it generates injustice and that it ends solidarity, while taking all of us, the Spaniards, for fools.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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