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HomeLatest NewsChoose a bird and I will tell you what your true calling...

Choose a bird and I will tell you what your true calling is.

We all had doubts about the purpose of our life and we feel like we are walking without a goal. However, we always have a hidden vocation and psychology can provide us with the answer to our questions.

Psychological tests allow us to learn more about ourselves in just a few seconds. For example, how we deal with our problems or, as in this case, what our purpose in life is.

do this little visual test with birds and discover in less than 30 seconds what your purpose in life is and how you can develop it.

The psychological test to know your purpose in life

It is one of the simplest psychological tests that exist and it will take you less than 30 seconds. All you have to do is choose one of the four birds in the image and read the explanation we give you.

The psychological test with birds. Photo:

Don’t think too much about your answer and trust your first impression. It may seem to you that all birds are the same, but one of them probably caught your attention the most.

Bird 1

You own one a very lively mind and a great sense of responsibility. You were born to lead people and make fundamental decisions. You have a great ability to analyze complex situations.

Your purpose in life is related to assume leadership positionswhere your honesty and uprightness make you a highly regarded person. You have a natural propensity to be a reference.

Bird 2

You are a person who highly values ​​interpersonal relationships and emotional connections. You live by connecting with others and you are in love with life.

You are very empathetic towards the people you love and you enjoy helping others. So, Your vocation will be closely linked to working with other people.. This could be as a lawyer, in healthcare or even starting a family.

Bird 3

Are deeply connected to your spirituality and we often find ourselves trying to answer transcendental questions. Curiosity is your main virtue.

You could develop this goal within the Catholic Church, but that is not the only option. For example, your critical mind and your desire to understand the universe may make you develop an obvious scientific vocation.

Bird 4

You stand out from others thanks to your artistic vocation and inclination towards the arts. You have a very imaginative mind and you must constantly develop ideas to be happy.

Your purpose in life is to express whatever comes to mind that deserves to be told. You can do this by writing, painting, or even cooking.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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