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Mazón’s PP accuses Diana Morant’s PSOE of not supporting the “immediate” creation of the leveling fund

Just a few hours after the president of the Valencian PP Carlos Mazon will lead the barons of the Popular Party to claim the temporary leveling funds to balance regional funding for their territorieslike Mazón himself, the secretary general of the popular on this territory Juan Francisco Perez Llorca accused the Valencian socialists of not supporting the immediate creation of this equalization fund. Pérez Llorca accused the PSOE of being “more concerned with keeping Sánchez at Moncloa than defending the Valencians“.

Already early this Friday afternoon, Carlos Mazón himself had complained to the PSOE of Pedro Sánchez and to that of Diane Morant “a bit of decorum and a bit of Valencianness” and also “that they reconsider and apologize for having said no to a temporary leveling fund that the Valencian Community needs.” Mazón added that “no socialist who believes in the equality of Spaniards” can maintain “not one minute longer” his rejection of the equalization fund.

In line with Mazón, Pérez Llorca described it as “urgent” that the Valencian PSOE “stop looking the other way and join the demand for a Transitional Levelling Fund.” Especially, “when the Valencian Community is the least well-funded in all of Spain.” Pérez recalled that Diana Morant, as secretary general of the Valencian PSOE “has the responsibility to defend the Valencians and not just the interests of Pedro Sánchez“.

While Pérez Llorca was carrying out these demonstrations, the first vice-president of the Valencian Government Susana Camarero He also spoke from Gandía, precisely the city of Diana Morant, where the Carlos government is organizing a retreat that will end on Saturday at noon.

Susana Camarero defended that this Friday it was demonstrated that the “historical” claim of Carlos Mazón “was supported by all regional presidents” Camarero stressed that this equalization fund will have an impact on health, education and social services.

Camarero recalled that the Valencians “we are the least well funded, with a system that always attacks us” and he said that “we will all together demand the financing system that we need in this Community.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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