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HomeEntertainment NewsAt Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport, employees of the organizing committee are on strike

At Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport, employees of the organizing committee are on strike

Getting off the shuttle bus connecting the terminals at Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport, travellers were not entitled to a welcoming smile from volunteers dressed in the green of the Olympic and Paralympic Games: instead, they were handed out leaflets by people in CGT vests, under police guard, and in the blue uniforms of employees of the Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (COJOP).

Six of them left their jobs for an hour on Friday, September 6, in the early afternoon, with the support of ten other employees who had just finished their shift. All of these employees hold positions as “transport coordinators” or “arrivals and departures” (A & D): with fixed-term contracts of two or three months, they direct the delegations and accredited persons to their accommodation or competition venues.

They demand an exceptional bonus to compensate for the long hours worked since their arrival, as well as payment for overtime, sometimes worked at night. All the employees interviewed claim to have worked at least fifty hours a week, sometimes much more.

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But, like all COJOP employees, they are not entitled to overtime because their contract is for a fixed working day: like executives, they do not have defined hours and are supposed to be free in their work organization. The only problem, summarizes Sarah (name has been changed), coordinator: “We were given a fixed schedule, ten hours a day, standing without a chair, six days a week, as soon as we arrived. We were not told anything about this during recruitment. » “I was never asked to think, I was asked to do execution missions”reports Rayane from the A&D department.

Handling complaints

For several weeks, like them, several dozen employees have met in the many departments that make up the COJOP, in particular under the direction of the CGT of Seine-Saint-Denis, which is trying to organize the social movement despite its absence from the staff. representative bodies. The only elected union, the CFDT, has also received employees in recent weeks to present their complaints. The labor inspectorate is also following the file.

In addition to the work day, the strikers describe their lack of information and training since their arrival. The vast majority, under thirty years of age, were unaware of their rights or the definition of the daily pass.

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Tired of two intense months, they also feel disappointed with respect to the employees hired by COJOP before June 2024, who were able to benefit from a bonus of 600 euros. “Do we deserve nothing? We have the impression that the last to arrive are the least favored”Rayane regrets.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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