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HomeLatest News"It's not about money, it's about principles"

“It’s not about money, it’s about principles”

“Now we have seen how Sánchez is proposing more money. It is not a question of money. “It is a question of principles that Sánchez and his separatist partners want to break the common solidarity fund in Spain.” This is how the President of the Council, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, expressed himself after participating in the summit of regional presidents of the PP convened in Madrid by the national leader of the party, Alberto Nuñez Feijoo. Beyond the statement that came out of it, with the express request to negotiate regional financing multilaterally and to demand that 18 billion of European funds be transferred to the communities, the people made it clear to whom the conclave was addressed. Mañueco pronounced the word Sánchez up to nine times in the six minutes that his speech to the media lasted.

In this document, he insists on the rejection of any bilateral agreement between the PSOE and the ERC.We will not accept the endorsement of the model decided by two parties“Nor are we going to enter into Sánchez’s model of struggle for the remains that remain in the concessions to his separatist partners,” said the head of the Castilian and Leonese Executive in reference to the announcement made by the President of the Government, with which the political course began, to increase the resources that are transferred to the communities.

Mañueco, on the other hand, opted for the “multilateral” negotiation of the new regional financing model, starting from the principle that “the objective is to seek consensus among all” to reach an agreement that meets the needs of all communities, “even those that are not at this meeting.” In addition, he insisted that “in the face of these policies of rupture and the walls that Sánchez wants to build, here what we defend is unity and collaboration among all” and, above all, “this equality of the Spanish people, this solidarity and this cohesion” in our Nation.

Fernández Mañueco once again made his government’s position clear, stressing that “From Castilla y León we reject economic privileges from Sanchez to his separatist partners, whom I do not know if they do not know or do not want to define, no matter what tongue twisters they Vice President Montero“Whether it is a debt remission within the framework of regional financing, whether it is called quota, concert or preferential treatment, it does not matter because we are head-on opposed to it.”

Finally, he recalled that the community is fighting not only politically but also parliamentaryly, as evidenced by the presentation for debate in the plenary session of the Cortes on Wednesday of a non-law proposal signed by the Popular Group to reject the Catalan concert and any bilateral agreement on regional financing. The other aspect of the opposition to the pacts between the PSOE and the ERC is the judicial one and, in this case, Mañueco announced that the Council would go to court “in the event of any injustice that may be committed in this situation of economic privileges”, either to the Constitutional Court or to any other jurisdiction. He recalled, precisely, that the appeal against the amnesty law is about to be presented to the TC.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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