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HomeLatest NewsUrtasun withdraws bullfighting prize after phantom consultation

Urtasun withdraws bullfighting prize after phantom consultation

The Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasunboasted on Friday of having obtained massive support for the elimination of the National Bullfighting Award after making a request ghost. And it is that on no social network, neither that of the portfolio holder nor that of the ministry, they communicated that a process of listening to citizens was underway, but the associations and political parties mobilized their supporters to send their support for the elimination of the prize through the email address open for only two weeks.

Sumar’s representative boasted in a message via the social network 30,000 euroshas been approved “by more than one 90% support from citizens in public consultation. “Today we are fulfilling the commitment we announced in May to stop subsidizing with public money entities that encourage animal abuse,” Urtasun stressed.

In the video accompanying the publication, MP Sumar assured that “more than 3,000 legal entities and individuals“The results are quite categorical,” he detailed. “These data show that a growing majority of Spanish men and women no longer agree with animal abuse,” Urtasun said.

The first of the public consultations opened by the Ministry of Culture dates back to May 4, one day after its public announcement. People wishing to express their support or disagreement only 15 days to express themselves, as provided for by law. In other words, until May 18. He proposes, among other measures, the elimination of the prize “in order to adapt the awards to the evolution of the creative and cultural sector and to respond to social demands.”

The second public consultation took place two months later, on June 25. The deadline in this case was July 15. He then appealed to the fact that “the values, uses and customs of citizenship” had “evolved.” Culture assured that “the social and cultural reality” indicated that “they are rejected by large sectors of society by specific elements of it because they are considered a unacceptable form of violence against animals“.

Although this public consultation is mandatory because it is an amendment to a ministerial decree, neither the Ministry nor Urtasun have published anything on their social networks encouraging participation in the consultation. However, some animal associations and parties linked to the movement represented by the portfolio holder have done so.

Animal Rights Mobilization

For example, the movement Greens Equo Animal Rights published a message showing how to properly participate in the Culture consultation, both in writing and by video.

Likewise, the animal rights movement United LeftStrongly linked to the party, Sumar, from Urtasun, encouraged his supporters to send messages to the ministry’s email. “We ask you to send an email with your name and ID justifying” the removal of the reward. “This is not a question of culture,” they concluded.

For its part, Podemos was also aware of this consultation and similarly urged its supporters to participate. It did so through the user
We can do Animalist Andalusia: “From tomorrow, and until May 18, you can participate in the public consultation in favor of the abolition of the National Bullfighting Award.” And the direction in which to direct this support has been made easier.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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