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They will not receive the money owed to them

Some of the mutualists who paid excess taxes between 1967 and 1978 may have difficulty collecting the Treasury Reimbursement due to the strict documentary requirements set by the Tax Agency. These persons concerned, mostly pensioners, have contributed 100% instead of the 75% they owed, which allows them to claim the additional 25%. According to the second transitional provision (DT 2e) of Personal Income Tax Actare entitled to a refund if the resulting tax amount is less than the amounts previously entered.

Despite this right, the lack of documentation This complicates the process for many mutualist members. The tax authorities require supporting documents and receipts dating back several decades, which many retirees do not have. The absence of these documents can lead to The Treasury escapes paying the reimbursementmaking it difficult for mutual fund members to get the money they are entitled to. Also, it should be noted that not everyone can claim this compensation. Those who contributed to the State Passive Class Regimeas well as self-employed workers and those who have contributed to widows’ mutual funds or non-contributory pensions.

Mutualists who will not receive money from the Treasury

The Treasury is preparing for return 1,700 million euros to mutualistsaffected by a surplus in the taxation of contributions to the mutual insurance company. During the last income tax campaign, the Treasury activated a preferential channel to facilitate the processing of these declarations, by offering a form on its web platform.

These mutualists, many of whom are around 80 years old, worked in various sectors such as construction, banking, hospitality and commerce. The problem is that they paid 100% of their contributions to the mutual workwhereas they should have paid only 75% tax, over a period extending from the 1960s to the end of the 1970s.

Even if they are entitled to a refund, many retirees could find themselves without a refund due to the difficulty of submit required documentation. The IRS requires supporting documents and receipts that are more than 50 years old, documents that many retirees do not have and are difficult to obtain. This complicates the claim and could prevent them from receiving the money to which they are legitimately entitled.


The tax authorities must reimburse pensioners for the excess contributions to mutual insurance companies that they paid between 1967 and 1978. Mutual insurance members contributed 100% instead of the 75% required by personal income tax, and they can now claim the 25% difference in the last four years not prescribed.

The Treasury warns, however, that retirees must follow a specific procedure to benefit from the refund. A form has been activated to claim the money, but it is essential to have all the necessary documentation that proves the excess contributionThe absence of these documents may prevent reimbursement, since the Tax Agency will carefully examine each request and could avoid payment in case of irregularities.

Many members have difficulty in retrieving the documents requested by Hacenda due to the passage of time and lack of digitalization at that time. This situation complicates the accreditation of their right to reimbursement, even if this is legally their responsibility.


Pensions that can benefit from the reduction in personal income tax are those from Social Security or the Social Institute of the Navy, which include contributions to work mutuals. The part of the pension corresponding to contributions paid before 1967 is not taxed, while contributions between 1967 and 1978 are reduced by 25%. Supplementary pensions, for contributions prior to 1995, also give the right to a 25% off.

THE public agents Those who have contributed to mutual insurance companies before joining Muface, Mugeju or Isfas, can also benefit from the 25% reduction in their pension. However, civil servants who have always been under the Passive Classes regime and widow’s or non-contributory pensions are not entitled to this reduction.


For fill out the form For the return of the Treasure, a series of steps must be followed.

First, you need to access the official website of the Treasury. On the main page, go to the “Taxpayer Attention” section and look for the option “Complaints or requests for income review”. In this section, you will find the form called “Request for self-assessment rectification” or “Request for refund”.

Next, you must fill out the form with the required information. It is important that all fields are completed, so essential documents such as your DNI and file number should be at hand. Other documents may be necessary to prove the situation.

Finally, the form must be submitted. This can be done online through the Treasury website or by printing the form and delivering it to the corresponding Tax Agency office. It is crucial to follow these steps accurately so that the claim is processed correctly.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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