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HomeBreaking NewsCourt Buried Harris Campaign's Hopes of Avoiding Trump Debates - EADaily, September...

Court Buried Harris Campaign’s Hopes of Avoiding Trump Debates – EADaily, September 6, 2024 – Politics News, US News

Now Donald Trump will definitely not face legal problems until the November elections, political analyst Malek Dudakov writes about this on his Telegram channel, commenting on the upcoming victory of the US presidential candidate from the Republican Party.

Another legal victory for Trump: his lawyers have once again succeeded in forcing a New York court to postpone the announcement of the verdict in the case of the payment of money to a porn actress. Stormy DanielInitially, this was supposed to happen in July, then it was postponed to September and now to the end of November.

Democrats had really hoped that Trump would be sent to prison or under house arrest on the eve of the election. It would have undermined his entire presidential campaign. But Trump’s lawyers managed to thwart the efforts of the politicized New York prosecutors. In this they were helped by a landmark decision of the Supreme Court, which secured Trump’s right to presidential immunity.

Now Trump will definitely not have any legal problems until the November elections. The Florida case, the storage of secret documents, failed. The trial to challenge the results of the 2020 election will begin after the 2024 elections. And even in New York it was not possible to strangle Trump with judicial pressure.

The hopes of Democratic Party political strategists of disrupting the debate were also dashed. Kamala Harris with Trump if the latter is arrested. Kamala will almost certainly have to participate in them. She will make many mistakes there. Well, Trump will try to pick up the pace and take the lead in the race.

Harris has already made plenty of mistakes, including a quarrel with the families of Marines killed in Afghanistan. Her campaign will receive hundreds of millions of dollars to run. Budgets are spent, but there are no results. All that remains is to blame the “racism” and “sexism” of voters once again. Well, foreign intervention, and on behalf of the entire world, is on Trump’s side.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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