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HomeLatest News3 Phrases to Say to Avoid Receiving Unwanted Calls Again

3 Phrases to Say to Avoid Receiving Unwanted Calls Again

No you should be receiving unwanted calls againThis is what the law says, although if you want to make sure, we offer you 3 very effective phrases. The rules in Spain are very clear, but there are still companies that ignore them, leaving us at the mercy of advertisements that will end up systematically interrupting our naps. To avoid this, nothing better than knowing this new law well that takes us directly away from what would end up being a reality in every sense of the word.

Spam calls should be completely banned, or at least that’s what the lawyers say, who will eventually tell us what these calls will end up being or not in substance. In theory, by this year they should have been completely eliminated from our daily lives. A fact that has ended up being a reality in every sense of the word, with a few exceptions. Some companies find it useful to break the law to make money, but not all. These types of calls have started to disappear, although some may still exist.

You will no longer receive spam calls

According to experts, these unwanted calls should be completely eliminated, in accordance with the current regulations. Laws are made to protect the weakest and most vulnerable, in this case consumers or people affected by these calls from commercial companies.

We must take into account what he says. the law for the defense of consumers in its article 96. This regulation says:

  1. All distance commercial communications must clearly state their commercial nature.
  2. In the case of telephone communications, at the beginning of any conversation with the consumer and user, the identity of the business owner must be explicitly and clearly indicated, or where appropriate, the identity of the person on whose behalf the call is made, as the case may be. as well as indicating its business purpose. Under no circumstances will telephone calls be made before 9 a.m. or after 9 p.m. or on holidays or weekends.
  3. The use by the entrepreneur of communication techniques consisting of an automated calling system without human intervention or by fax will require the prior express consent of the consumer and user.

The consumer and user will have the right not to receive, without their consent, calls for commercial communication purposes made through systems other than those mentioned in the previous section, when they have decided not to appear in the electronic communications guides made available to the public, has exercised the right not to use the data contained therein for advertising or commercial prospecting purposes, or to request their incorporation into common files to exclude the sending of commercial communications regulated by the regulations on the protection of personal data.

  1. The consumer and user will have the right to object to the receipt of unwanted commercial offers, by telephone, fax or other equivalent means of communication.

In the context of a pre-existing relationship, the consumer and user will also have the right to object to receiving commercial communications by email or other equivalent electronic means of communication. You must be informed in each of the commercial communications of the simple and free means to object to their receipt.

  1. In the event that an unwanted commercial offer is made by telephone, calls must be made from an identifiable telephone number. When the user receives the first commercial offer from the issuer, he must be informed both of his right to express his opposition to receiving new offers and to obtain the reference number of said opposition. At the request of the consumer and user, the entrepreneur will be required to provide him with proof of having expressed his opposition, which he must provide as soon as possible and in any event within a maximum period of one month.

The 3 phrases to say to avoid receiving unwanted calls again

Following this essential rule that we now know and that should help us put an end to these annoying spam calls, there are 3 phrases that must be taken into account and that you may not have taken into account until now. They are the result of these rules that you must start taking care of and that you may not have taken into account until now.

Without a doubt, now is the time to start thinking about what lies ahead and how to help us get what we need now. Eliminating unwanted calls is possible with 3 phrases which, in addition, are easy to remember and very effective.

“Remove my number from your database”, “I did not request a sales contact” and the third if they call you at a specific time: “It is illegal for you to contact me at that time”. There is a schedule of sales calls that is rarely respected.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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