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HomeBreaking NewsJapanese IT company hires 10 cats - META

Japanese IT company hires 10 cats – META

Japanese company Qnote has attracted the attention of social media users with its unusual “employees” – cats that perform various office functions.

Oku.Az The South China Morning Post reported on the matter.

According to company director Nobuyuki Tsuruta, cats help maintain team spirit in the office.

The company “hired” its first cat in 2004. Since then, the number of “furry workers” has increased and the company now has 10 paw helpers. After moving into a new four-story office building in 2020, the company equipped the second and third floors specifically for cats.

In Qnote, each cat has its own “task.” For example, the cat Futaba holds the “position of president,” while other animals have the roles of “employee” and “inspector.” All six cats are descendants of Futaba.

Four-legged “workers” help create an environment that promotes productive work and reduces stress in the team. Among other things, cats force people to take breaks from work.

The company’s CEO notes that many employees also have cats at home. He said that focusing on cats has helped attract new employees, as well as reduce layoffs. The company’s job ads also state that candidates must love cats.

According to SuperJob’s 2021 survey, in 2011, more than 15% of companies had pets in their offices. Respondents noted that animals make the office space more comfortable and also reduce employee stress. The most popular office “workers” have been fish, cats, parrots, turtles, and dogs.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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