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HomeLatest Newsthe reason why a large part of an emblematic reservoir of Navarre...

the reason why a large part of an emblematic reservoir of Navarre will be emptied

He swamp It will be practically empty. Next Tuesday, September 10, starting at 8:00 a.m., the Commonwealth of the Pamplona Region will start the water discharge background of Eugui ReservoirThis operation has been carried out since 1991 – it was only suspended in 1995 and 2022 due to drought – and its objective is contribute to improving the quality of the water supplied.

The deletion of organic matter and metals (iron and mainly manganese) from the bottom of the tank, helps improve the quality of water arriving at the Urtasun plant and thus reduce the use of reagents in the water purification phase before being delivered to the Region.

The unloading operation is carried out at the end of summer, when the thermocline formed, that is, when the water in the Eugui reservoir laminated in layers from highest to lowest temperature. We use this thermal gradient which, in its coldest layers (around 8 ºC) and deepest (from 15 m), concentrates the dissolved manganese and iron in the backgroundto eliminate them naturally upon opening the emptying the bottom of the tank.

This year, the purge volume will be 130,000 m3 and the unloading time will be three hoursfollowing studies carried out by the Commonwealth Quality Control Department. The operation will therefore take place from 8:00 to 11:00, although its effects will be visible approximately six hours after its completion.

He The effect of this discharge is similar to that of a storm and does not pose greater risks to river flora and fauna than those inherent in such meteorological activity. However, it should be noted that there is a rise in the water level which varies depending on each section and a drop in temperature which can be established at an average of 9º C.

SO, the eve of the purge the flow rate will be increased turbine water so that the decrease in temperature The evacuation of the river water is more gradual, so that the entire operation will result in a discharge of 200,000 m3.

The unloading operation is carried out at the request of the Commonwealth of the Region of Pamplona and this is the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation who carries out the maneuvers and supervises the opening and closing of the drain valves.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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