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“They have not succeeded in distancing Catalonia from the State and they are trying to distance the State from Catalonia”

The PP’s “14 Agreement”, as he called it Alberto Nuñez Feijoowas used to display a common front of the match against the Catalans, concert agreed between the CFP And MRC invest in Salvador Illa as president of the Generalitat. The document, signed by all the popular territorial barons, warns of the “pernicious implications” that the separation Catalonia of the common tax regime since it involves handing over the “key to the box” to the independentists to “develop the challenge of the process”.

Popular presidents conclude with concern that “separatist politicians” have reformulated the path to achieve self-determination: “They have confirmed that it is impossible to achieve independence by removing Catalonia from the State, and now they intend to achieve it by removing the State from Catalonia, a task in which they have found an ally” Pedro Sanchez.

The meeting was attended by ten regional presidents of the PP, the presidents of Ceuta and Melilla, the vice-president of the Canary Islands and the vice-president of the Balearic Islands. The president of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens, was unable to travel to Madrid because she had the government council and the start of the school year on her agenda.

At this regional summit, in which Feijóo tried to simulate a kind of Conference of Presidentswhich has not met since March 2022 and the PP claims it on several occasions, the party showed an image of “unity and firmness”. “Summit of Presidents, we are all Spain”, was the poster chosen by the PP for this conclave.

And to give solemnity to the event, in addition to the chosen location, the Palace of the Dukes of Pastrana in Madrid instead of the headquarters in Genoa, the regional presidents agreed on a decalogue in the form of an institutional declaration.


In this document, a series of commitments and demands were agreed: a request was made to end the so-called “Catalan quota”, an economic injection of 18 billion euros from Next Generation funds was demanded, and “bilateral cheating” and “auctions” were condemned. Any discussion including financing must take place in “multilateral forums”, the PP demands.

Specifically, the following points were agreed: 10 points:

1. Return “to the path of respect and institutional loyalty between state administrations” and, consequently, “paralyze any progress towards the fiscal independence demanded by separatism”, by returning to “multilaterality”.

2. Find “the minimum bases of consensus” during a Conference of Presidents, which must be convened “immediately”, and agree on the reform of the regional financing system within the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council (CPFF) “and not as a result of transfers and to the detriment of others”, as well as that the AIReF participates in the analysis of the Government’s proposal.

Meeting of the territorial barons of the PP.


3. To condemn “totally the ruse of bilateralism with the separatists with which the Spanish government intends to camouflage its determination to build a country with first and second class citizens”, and to commit to “not breaking multilateralism in any case” by updating regional financing.

4. Increase the total economic amount of the regional financing system, taking into account the “exponential” increase in the cost of public services, particularly in health.

5. Create a transition fund to alleviate the underfunding suffered by all autonomous communities and cities until the system is renewed. They also describe it as a complementary equalization fund financed by the State.

6. Co-governance of the Next Generation Funds and future economic injections from the European Union. And, more specifically, that the Executive make available to the communities 18 billion euros of these funds “that it has not been able to implement”.

7. Protect respect for the fiscal autonomy of the autonomous communities. Furthermore, in this section they reject criticism regarding their “tax relief measures.”

8. Guarantees that no community of the current common regime system leaves it and that the Tax Agency is not divided into pieces. And in addition, they ask that the PSOE thinks because, they maintain, “if it agrees to grant community embassies (foreign policy), it transfers the control of the borders (immigration) and the key to the treasury (Treasury), in practice it has nothing to do with it.” distinguishes itself from the independence movement.

9. Willingness to jointly address within the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council the updating of the system “taking into account all the variables existing in each territory that guarantee regional financial sufficiency and the provision of services under conditions of equality”.

10. Solidarity with “Catalan compatriots who do not believe in the abolition of the common system, convinced that this will only benefit the process sector.”




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