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HomeBreaking NewsAre scooter offenders fined? - STATEMENT by BDYPI

Are scooter offenders fined? – STATEMENT by BDYPI

Recently, there has been a surge in interest in scooters in Azerbaijan. We find people riding this vehicle almost everywhere in the city. As the interest in scooters increases, so does the demand, which is why we are witnessing accidents involving a new type of vehicle in the capital.

How many scooter riders have been hit so far? Are there general fines for scooter riders?

Officer of the Main Department of State Traffic Police (BDYPI) of the Ministry of the Interior (MIA), police lieutenant colonel Mubariz Agayev on the subject Oku.Azresponded to the request for

He pointed out that in the Code of Administrative Offences the law applies to people who ride bicycles, drive mopeds, as well as small electric vehicles (scooters) recently added to the Traffic Law:

“According to Article 338.4-1 of the Civil Code, violations of traffic rules by persons driving small electric vehicles, namely failure to comply with traffic lights and road signs, transportation of cargo that interferes with the control of passengers or vehicles, signaling of traffic or road signs in violation of requirements, driving a defective two-way vehicle, driving without holding the steering wheel or violating the rules of wearing safety helmets, obstructing the movement of pedestrians, not allowing the passage of vehicles with the right of way will be fined in the amount of forty manats.

Agayev noted that in the last eight months of this year, 1,864 violations of the rules under the listed articles of the Law “On Traffic” were recorded and documented:

“The priority of urban mobility and the concept of a pedestrian-oriented city increases the demand for two-wheeled vehicles. In this regard, some changes are being made to the organization of traffic in the capital, infrastructure is being created. However, this development also determines the rights and responsibilities of people driving such vehicles. As the Head of the State Traffic Police Department, two-wheeled vehicles We ask drivers of vehicles to comply with the requirements of the Law “On Traffic” and not endanger the life and health of themselves and other road users.

Maharram Aliyev


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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