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Chivite recognizes that Basque is once again the key to accessing a civil servant position in Navarre

Chivite recognizes that Basque is once again the key to accessing a civil servant position in Navarre

The President of the Government of Navarre, Maria Chivite returned to majority of Navarrese it doesn’t speak Basque in a situation of inconvenience compared to those who speak it with the sole aim of pleasing their government partners pro-ETA nationalists and independence activists. And it is that he provincial government approved, during its meeting this Wednesday, the Provincial decree which regulates the evaluation of merits in the access and offer of jobs in the Public administrations of Navarre.

The decree specifies that the Basque will be valued again in most of the company’s jobs Administration in the mixed zonewhere, by decision of Superior Court of Justice of Navarre of 2019, the modification which favored Uxue Barkos and this facilitated the access of civil servants to Basque speakersdiscriminating against everyone.

It happens to be in the Pamplona regionthat is to say in the mixed zonewhere the vast majority of jobs are located civil servants of the Provincial Administration, so that the decree restores the situation of impotence of the 87 percent citizens.

It is therefore a measure with which Chivite pays for the favors of his access to Navarre Palace and its maintenance in the presidency to the nationalists of PNV and the pro-ETA separatists of Pictures.

To conceal the information and avoid the problem, the Chivite Executive explained that the new regulations include as a general criterion that the ranking knowledge of Basque and the working languages ​​of European Union (English, French And German) will be determined in each call for objectionsafter analyzing the specific needs of each position.

The foral decree includes the different casuistry that can occur regarding the magnitude LANGUAGES in Administration. So, for example, in the processes of competition-opposition–in which the competition phase the total merits cannot exceed the 30% of the maximum total score of the entire selection system -, knowledge of Basque will be valued in the Basque-speaking region with a maximum of one 11% of the mark assigned to the rest of the merit scale, while in the Mixed Zone The percentage is at most one 7% -if a C1 level is accredited-. In other words, this would mean at most one 7% or a 11% of the 30% of the competition phase.

He Provincial decree will come into force upon its publication in Official Gazette of Navarre (GOOD), after which it can be applied to public job offers in force, awaiting a summons to adapt to this new standard.



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