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Feijóo gathers his barons in search of a common front while Ayuso distances himself by asking for a sit-in in Sánchez

PP leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo and his party’s regional presidents This Friday they are organizing a “summit”“in which they seek to agree on the principles of its alternative regional financing modeland, above all, to build a common and homogeneous front against the singular financing of Catalonia. Meanwhile, the Madrid leader Isabel Díaz Ayuso wanted to take the lead by going further by asking the rest of the presidents to absent themselves from the bilateral meetings proposed by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

However, he failed to convince since many PP presidents assured that they would go to the Moncloa meeting proposed by Sánchez to talk about financing. And although she urged her colleagues not to attend the meeting, the Madrid president did not explain whether or not she will participate in this bilateral meeting. Sources from the “popular” environment limit themselves to stating that “the Conference of Presidents must come first.”

For their part, from Genoa, they insisted, after listening to Ayuso’s statements, that they would not encourage the presidents to go to the meeting with Sánchez but that they would not prohibit it either. However, the position of the different presidents this morning when they arrived at the meeting is not known since Feijóo asked all the barons and baronesses to Do not discuss this with the press or allow questions at your post-summit press conferences..

Ten regional presidents of the PP attended the meeting at the Palace of the Dukes of Pastrana.everyone except the Marga Prohens of the Balearic Islandswho sent his number two for the start of the political journey in the islands. In addition, the Canarian vice-president, Manuel Domínguez, and the president of the autonomous city of Ceuta, Juan Jesús Vivas, were present, posing with Feijóo in front of the palace.

Funding, only in multilateral forums

In fact, at the summit they will sign a document in which they commit “not to discuss financing issues” in any form other than that “multilateral forums“According to PP sources in LaSexta, the summit will seek to stage this “Common front”, hence the signing of a document in which they condemn “the trick of bilaterality with the separatists”They have committed to “not discussing financing issues in any format other than a Fiscal and Financial Policy Council”, that is, with everyone, and they insist on “multilaterality”.

Furthermore, those of the PP have denounced that one cannot speak of financing criteria “if the principles” of “solidarity and equality”. And they criticized the attempt to “division“what, in his opinion, the government of Pedro Sánchez intends. The meeting takes place behind closed doors at the Palace of the Dukes of Pastrana, in Madrid, and at the end, the opposition leader and regional leaders will appear before the media, but they will not accept questions from the media.

This conspiracy against what is called “separatist quota“, the ‘popular’ already arrives with a unitary position, signed in this manifesto, who, among other things, emphasizes that they believe “in the particularity of each autonomous community, but not in inequalities and “insolidarity”.

The text also rejects “un confederal model asymmetrical, where some negotiate bilaterally with the central power to obtain advantages and preferential treatment outside the common model.” The regional presidents signed this joint manifesto on August 26, before the head of the Executive announced his intention to implement a new financing system with more resources for all the autonomies and receive the regional leaders individually at the Moncloa.

Ayuso goes further but does not convince

To this invitation from Sánchez, the PP and its regional presidents responded by demanding that the financing system be negotiated. in a “multilateral forum”, such as the Conference of Presidents or the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council. The President of the Community of Madrid He went further and asked his teammates not to sit with Sánchezalthough autonomies such as Galicia, the Region of Murcia, the Valencian Community, Castile and Leon or Cantabria are in favor of leaving at the meeting, even if they do not seek to negotiate bilaterally.

The national leadership of the PP, for its part, has given free rein to its barons, emphasizing your complete trust in each of themas reported by sources from Genoa. The importance of meeting or not with Sánchez is highlighted by the Valencian Generalitat, where sources from the presidency wonder how their regional president, Carlos Mazón, is not going to go, “if the one who owes them 3 billion from the agency calls him, 25 cups to the Tajo-Segura, to the water of Lake Albufera or to the aid to ceramics.”

Regional funding is an element that traditionally divides the different territorieswho, based on their characteristics, want the first population criteria, aging or dispersion to distribute resourcesThe complexity of putting this puzzle together is recognized both within the national leadership of the PP and in the regions, where it is also recalled that this division is not ideological or partisan, but regional.

This is why, beyond the unanimous rejection of the unique financing for Catalonia, that the PP considers an institutional mutation, the question of the Feijóo summit with its barons is the scope of the agreement that will be reached. In recent months, Genoa has worked towards a consensus on the principles that govern the system, even if this party hesitates to propose a specific financing model, with figures and, therefore, transfers by the territories.

They consider that it is up to the Government to do so, according to business sources. In any case, the PP’s financing experts maintain that it is possible to reach an agreement a system that guarantees the supply public services in all regions and propose a transition fund while the negotiation bears fruit.




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